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warrior products

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I have been patiently waiting to see warrior sticks,gloves etc to arrive in Canada.

It starting to look as if stores are opting out of carying warrior and nobody will really tell me why. I am just a consumer so I dont have any hardcore connections but share every mods hunger for new hockey product etc.

I have contacted Warrior via email on the website and have received basically what in my opinion are rude responses to very general and polite enquiries.

Why have the option on your website?

Any product questions I ask in my area seem to get some pretty wild responses, my question to any pro who knows on the board is any info on any protective equipment or new product other then the Kingpin?

Any info is always appreciated

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They used to be the same way with dealers too. Now they have reps who are just learning hockey.

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Humm I havent had any issues like that at all? All the guys I know product development guys to the local rep have been great! Where in Canada are you?

JR coming to Girbralter next week with Cheli

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Im in and around the GTA. I could get into more detail but I dont want to burn any stores or staff. Nobody seems to have the warm fuzzies about them. I guess this stands out because of all the hype.

Maybe I talked to the wrong staff but there definately seems to be consistant feedback.

I will say this again, Im just a consumer asking simple things and being respectful enough not to get under anyones skin.

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I can't speak for other stores, but I can tell you why the LHS I work at won't carry warrior products. Innovative has always been and still is the biggest pain in the ass to deal with. They must teach their employees to be miserable pricks. We decided to give the warrior line a chance even though we had not done business with innovative for a long time because they just don't seem to care about their customers. To make a long story short,warrior isn't selling that well and innovative is still a pain in the ass so we decided it was not worth it. A lot of LHS are probably having the same issues.

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again never had those issues at the old store or where I am now. Always was able to get all problems resolved quickly.

And as for them as a product I dont see anyone saying the product isnt good so we all agree that it is a superior product.

And one other thing Innovative is really no longer it is New balance now and mainly new balance people working there.

So I am pretty confused about the issues.

I did triple check the shot power with that guy that was our hardest shot guy at our test day.

easton Stealth and XXX and RBK 83 MPH top speed

Vector 10 85 MPH top Speed

Last stick tested Mac Daddy 93 MPH (first shot)

(after a whole 2 hours of shooting)

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To be clear about my customer/consumer issues

I have money I want to spend on hockey equipment for myself and my kids. I think" hey warrior sounds like a cool new company" ( minus some of the initial information around how they got started) that I learned from this board.

I save some disposable income to buy some sticks some gloves and some protective. I have this thing about using one brand but thats personal choice.

I patiently wait for product release and use old gear until it comes out.

Its been unclear whos going to carry the stuff in the GTA. When I contact Warrior/Innovative/New Balance to ask when I basically will be able to spend money on there product, they either dont respond or if they do respond its in a way that makes you feel like a dick!

The seemingly covert questions I have asked have been

Any plans on skates or protective equipment?and some responses like or the Kingpins will be changing shortly. They have not even been released yet and what does that even mean?

Anyway seems like alot of hassle for simply trying to buy a new stick.

I was not going to get into this but I think that this board was founded on information sharing like this

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To be clear about my customer/consumer issues

I have money I want to spend on hockey equipment for myself and my kids. I think" hey warrior sounds like a cool new company" ( minus some of the initial information around how they got started) that I learned from this board.

I save some disposable income to buy some sticks some gloves and some protective. I have this thing about using one brand but thats personal choice.

I patiently wait for product release and use old gear until it comes out.

Its been unclear whos going to carry the stuff in the GTA. When I contact Warrior/Innovative/New Balance to ask when I basically will be able to spend money on there product, they either dont respond or if they do respond its in a way that makes you feel like a dick!

The seemingly covert questions I have asked have been

Any plans on skates or protective equipment?and some responses like or the Kingpins will be changing shortly. They have not even been released yet and what does that even mean?

Anyway seems like alot of hassle for simply trying to buy a new stick.

I was not going to get into this but I think that this board was founded on information sharing like this

Well as for protective other than gloves it will be next season.

As for skates well there is a few things in the works as most know they hired 3 ex easton skate guys and there is always something going on in the skate world!!!

Hope that helps.

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To be clear about my customer/consumer issues

I have money I want to spend on hockey equipment for myself and my kids. I think" hey warrior sounds like a cool new company" ( minus some of the initial information around how they got started) that I learned from this board.

I save some disposable income to buy some sticks some gloves and some protective. I have this thing about using one brand but thats personal choice.

I patiently wait for product release and use old gear until it comes out.

Its been unclear whos going to carry the stuff in the GTA. When I contact Warrior/Innovative/New Balance to ask when I basically will be able to spend money on there product, they either dont respond or if they do respond its in a way that makes you feel like a dick!

The seemingly covert questions I have asked have been

Any plans on skates or protective equipment?and some responses like or the Kingpins will be changing shortly. They have not even been released yet and what does that even mean?

Anyway seems like alot of hassle for simply trying to buy a new stick.

I was not going to get into this but I think that this board was founded on information sharing like this

go to national sports i know for a fact they have all the warrior twigs mac dadys dolomites,royale no gloves or equiopment but sticks... also try dukes source for sports great storegreat staff they will definatly help you find what you need.

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DOWN WITH WARRIOR!!! I've carried Innovative for years then they decide to drop me because of that friggin' hockey group!! I have a THG in my state and they won't sell to me because were within 50 miles. HEY, THEIR STICKS SNAP ANYWAY!

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DOWN WITH WARRIOR!!! I've carried Innovative for years then they decide to drop me because of that friggin' hockey group!! I have a THG in my state and they won't sell to me because were within 50 miles. HEY, THEIR STICKS SNAP ANYWAY!

I'm not exactly a fan of the way they handle their dealerships, despite the fact I talked them into opening my old store.

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I have only seen/heard of Warrior in hockey magazines. Until today I had no idea Innovative and Warrior were one of the same. Here in the Ottawa/Hull region (Canada) I have never seen their products either and have never asked bout them either. I did see Innovative sticks for sale at the Goalie Heaven on Ebay and everytime they have such a stick for sale they always specify that it's rare and I never understood why lol... now if they act the same way about Innovative sticks as they do with Warrior sticks and gear, it's easy to understand why they say they are rare. I honestly can't understand how a hockey company would want to avoid selling their gear in Canada when it is a fact that Canada is the biggest hockey nation in terms of hockey players. Yes Europe can compare IMO, but there are way more hockey players in Canada than in the States and that's for sure. So why ignore such a big market? Specially a market like the GTA?? Montreal?? Vancouver?? Maybe they do sell their gear somewhere in Canada, who knows but if they did I'm sure they would advertise their gear....

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I have laid low on my Warrior expereinces since the OneGoal show but this is the thread to share them in. Our shop never had Innovative products. Nobody asked for Innovative in metro NYC so I did not pursue the brand. Along comes Warrior and their next great hype package of OPS. I meet the national sales manager at OneGoal. He gives me the bs that they are taking their time opening new accounts, etc. I mention I run the pro shop in a four rink building outside NYC. I'm not bragging, just explaining the facts. We are packed with players on Saturdays and Sundays in season. 4 rinks, 2 teams, 30 players = 120 players in the building every 90 minutes! And guys wonder why the wait for skate sharpening is now over 1 hour in season! Throw in the 60 mens league teams during weeknights and its a busy building for hockey. Anyway, I throw this info on the table. After a few weeks go by, I start to call up the area rep. Long story short, we play phone tag for February and March. In April, I email the national sales manager. I get a phone call from the rep the next day. Of course, I am not in when he calls. More phone tag. Finally, about two weeks ago I call the rep for the hell of it. One last shot. He answers the phone! Well, he tells me that Warrior has decided not to open any new accounts in the US this season(bs), that they are having problems delivering product(not my problem), and that they will get back to me next year. I kindly reply that I know you are opening new accounts. I remind him of the four rink building, etc. He dodges my rights but I decide to counterpunch by mentioning to him that by not taking a chance and opening our shop, his national sales manager is now taking money out of his pocket! I can hear the smile as he knows he is caught in his own bs. However, by now, I could care less about Warrior product. If this is the way you want to do business, so be it and good luck. I know they have opened new accounts in my territory. The info is on their web site!! For all the players in my building, there are about 5 who would be considered "gear whores" by MSH standards. Of those 5, two asked about Warrior! No one else even mentions the brand. I am just as happy to spend my open-to-buy $$ on brands that I know will sell in OPS: Easton and NikeBauer. Warrior can take a hike.....

I hope any vendor lurkers are reading this and taking notes. It is not the way to do business. Warrior can re-invent the wheel and I'm not sure it would matter.

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I tried to get Innovative years ago back in Orlando. Back then they did not have any major East Coast representation. It was a mess. Never again.

They dicked around my current store pretty good too. Told us that the "requirements" were either be an existing Inno dealer or a Warrior Lacrosse dealer. We sell Warrior Lacrosse so we're thinking we're in...gives us the run-around at the show. Oh well. Overrated product anyway.

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Man, if there's a warrior rep trolling this board I hope he/she comes across this thread.

Maybe they do this to make their product seem rare, maybe create more demand by lessening their supply and pumping money into their marketing (which is garbage anyways, but that's been discussed) .

Or maybe they just like offending LHS's.

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would be great to come with AK27 skates? :)

Two guys could be in them, Kovy and Smith.

Yeah but then they wouldn't be able to use the same designs as CCM and might look unfamiliar.

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I tried to get Innovative years ago back in Orlando. Back then they did not have any major East Coast representation. It was a mess. Never again.

They dicked around my current store pretty good too. Told us that the "requirements" were either be an existing Inno dealer or a Warrior Lacrosse dealer. We sell Warrior Lacrosse so we're thinking we're in...gives us the run-around at the show. Oh well. Overrated product anyway.

You may have the lax but Pirelli's won't let you guys have them.

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I have only seen/heard of Warrior in hockey magazines. Until today I had no idea Innovative and Warrior were one of the same. Here in the Ottawa/Hull region (Canada) I have never seen their products either and have never asked bout them either. I did see Innovative sticks for sale at the Goalie Heaven on Ebay and everytime they have such a stick for sale they always specify that it's rare and I never understood why lol... now if they act the same way about Innovative sticks as they do with Warrior sticks and gear, it's easy to understand why they say they are rare. I honestly can't understand how a hockey company would want to avoid selling their gear in Canada when it is a fact that Canada is the biggest hockey nation in terms of hockey players. Yes Europe can compare IMO, but there are way more hockey players in Canada than in the States and that's for sure. So why ignore such a big market? Specially a market like the GTA?? Montreal?? Vancouver?? Maybe they do sell their gear somewhere in Canada, who knows but if they did I'm sure they would advertise their gear....

NO inno/warrior in montreal at all, i know what going on in my town lolll :P

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I have only seen/heard of Warrior in hockey magazines.  Until today I had no idea Innovative and Warrior were one of the same.  Here in the Ottawa/Hull region (Canada) I have never seen their products either and have never asked bout them either.  I did see Innovative sticks for sale at the Goalie Heaven on Ebay and everytime they have such a stick for sale they always specify that it's rare and I never understood why lol... now if they act the same way about Innovative sticks as they do with Warrior sticks and gear, it's easy to understand why they say they are rare.  I honestly can't understand how a hockey company would want to avoid selling their gear in Canada when it is a fact that Canada is the biggest hockey nation in terms of hockey players.  Yes Europe can compare IMO, but there are way more hockey players in Canada than in the States and that's for sure.  So why ignore such a big market?  Specially a market like the GTA??  Montreal?? Vancouver??  Maybe they do sell their gear somewhere in Canada, who knows but if they did I'm sure they would advertise their gear....

NO inno/warrior in montreal at all, i know what going on in my town lolll :P

Well ! you can get warrior sticks in Quebec for sure.... ;)

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Well all I can say is I have had my 1100 shaft for 3 years and still no breaks dents nothing. Best stick i have ever had period.

Before that I had one of Brett Hulls Returned shafts.

I have been dealing with them in both locations and never had any issues like any of you nor had and product issue.

If Easton (considering they are one of the best products out there) says Warrior/Inno is a good stick then it cant be that bad of a product. nott o mention all the NHL players using them this season and espically switching to them in the playoffs?

I have never heard you guys so negative on such a great product?

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