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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ever fired a gun?

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Well, have you?

I've only fired a shotgun, can't remember what model, about 2 years ago when I was trying clay pigeon shooting. God, the feeling was.. breathtaking!!

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I grew up in the heart of redneck Pennsyltucky and learned to shoot (and respect guns) from my grandfather.

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I grew up in the heart of redneck Pennsyltucky and learned to shoot (and respect guns) from my grandfather.

what is pennsyltucky?

but i have shot many guns, hand guns, shotguns, rifles, paintball guns, pellet guns, bb guns.

i love target shooting, but i had a close freind die about 2 years ago after being murdered with a gun, so now im kind of afraid to use real guns because it makes me feel bad.

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I grew up in the heart of redneck Pennsyltucky and learned to shoot (and respect guns) from my grandfather.

what is pennsyltucky?

but i have shot many guns, hand guns, shotguns, rifles, paintball guns, pellet guns, bb guns.

i love target shooting, but i had a close freind die about 2 years ago after being murdered with a gun, so now im kind of afraid to use real guns because it makes me feel bad.

a combination between Pennsylvania and Kentucky, im guessing.

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I grew up in the heart of redneck Pennsyltucky and learned to shoot (and respect guns) from my grandfather.

what is pennsyltucky?

but i have shot many guns, hand guns, shotguns, rifles, paintball guns, pellet guns, bb guns.

i love target shooting, but i had a close freind die about 2 years ago after being murdered with a gun, so now im kind of afraid to use real guns because it makes me feel bad.

a combination between Pennsylvania and Kentucky, im guessing.

It's a joke here in Pennsylvania. Considering the history and commercial development in Philly, a big portion of the state is pretty rural and very redneck.

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Last time I shot a gun was a couple years ago. My buddies dad is a cop, so he took me and him to the police shooting range one weekend. I got to shoot an MP5, Glock 40, a Sig, USP, .38 special, M4, and a Ar-15.

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I was born and raised in Wyoming and did hear it. Must be a regional thing. I grew up hunting and shooting. Now I live in Kalifornja where it is a little harder to enjoy those typs of sports. I do still get out now and then for a squirrel or hog hunt.

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I've only used shotguns and rifles, my uncle has a farm and every so often he needs us to thin out the bird population, so I jump at the opportunity

I would love the shoot a submachine gun though

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Nope, But I've got a cannon of a slapper.

(sorry. I couldn't help myself. and actually yes, I've been hunting since I was 6, but have slowed down a lot since I started playing hockey. I still go deer hunting every november though. The comment earlier about not only learning to fire guns but respecting them couldn't be truer. )

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The only time I ever shot a real gun (not an air gun) was when I was about 11 years old, and my family stayed for about a week with friends in NYC, I think either Queens or the Bronx. Now we happened to be there over July 4. There were two sons there, one was about 21 and one about 18, and in the early afternoon one of them took me downstairs and showed me how to fire a .22 into a big block of a wood.. Anyways come the evening it was like something out of a movie. People were throwing BIG fireworks under passing cars, and shooting guns into the air. It looked like a war zone. Since I now knew how to fire a gun, I did it too, but only because I was too young and too stupid to know how dangerous it was, and only realized it years later.

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yea.. shot heaps. Guys in Singapore have to serve 2.5 years in the military, and you get to fire quite a fair bit of stuff:

1) M16 - single, short burst, full auto (with full clip)

2) M203 Grenade launcher

3) Section Automatic Weapon (SAW) - similar to the US minimi, both clip and drum

4) General Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62mm rounds, belt fed

5) Light Anti-Tank Weapon (LAW) - disposable rocket launcher

6) 84mm Karl Gustav Recoiless Rifle - basically a tank buster... think that's how its spelt

didnt have a chance to fire off hand guns though... and also did heaps of grenades, smokes, trip flares, trip wires, claymores... you get a kick the first few times, after a while you get pissed cause you have to clean the hell out of them late at night.

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shot skeet for years.

...sorta surprised none of you singled that out - Surely there are a few of you as immature as I.

I hate to admit it, but I have shot rifles, shotguns and handguns - I'm trying to distance myself from the "country-boy" setting that surrounds me, and admitting to this probably doesn't help.

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