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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Blade Patterns

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Hi all. I did a search of the forums, and I did remember an old topic on Sher-wood making custom blade patterns, but I couldn't find it. Also went to their site and it mentioned nothing of custom patterns. Anywho, I'm just looking for a company or brand that makes custom composite blades based on a master curve or specific details.


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Spending money over the years. X-mas, b-day, etc etc. But that's only if I have to.

So what's this about Mylec's now?

They're a top notch composite blade. Like Mack said, they can be custom curved. Don't need a couple G's though.

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I've got around 5G to shell out.

I don't think thats enough for a composite mold, let alone minimum order and set up fee's etc... Sherwood, TPS, Easton, Bauer all do custom blades, aswell as Christian. I'd check into wood instead of spending money on composites.

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From what I understand, Sherwood will do custom composite blades as well. The blade is the Axion and the minimum is 3. They were offered to me when I ordered my custom pattern wood blades.

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I've got around 5G to shell out.

I don't think thats enough for a composite mold, let alone minimum order and set up fee's etc... Sherwood, TPS, Easton, Bauer all do custom blades, aswell as Christian. I'd check into wood instead of spending money on composites.


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I've got around 5G to shell out.

I don't think thats enough for a composite mold, let alone minimum order and set up fee's etc... Sherwood, TPS, Easton, Bauer all do custom blades, aswell as Christian. I'd check into wood instead of spending money on composites.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

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From what I understand, Sherwood will do custom composite blades as well. The blade is the Axion and the minimum is 3. They were offered to me when I ordered my custom pattern wood blades.

Just call 'em up and ask for details on that? New to the whole idea here.

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Spending money over the years. X-mas, b-day, etc etc. But that's only if I have to.

So what's this about Mylec's now?

They're a top notch composite blade. Like Mack said, they can be custom curved. Don't need a couple G's though.

Agreed, best blade on the market. Stiffest blade I've ever used. I think Ovechkin uses one in his vector 10.0 :lol:

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From what little I know about custom patterns you can get them from just about any brand(wood blades). I think the minimum for most is like 12, or you can just buy a wood blade that is close to what you want and recurve it yourself. A tool like the procurve yould help greatly to get a consistant curve pattern.


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I'm sure if you contacted a company direct with 5G's you could set something up. A bunch of guys at my shop have custom XN10s/X1 blades.......try TPS.

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I'm sure if you contacted a company direct with 5G's you could set something up. A bunch of guys at my shop have custom XN10s/X1 blades.......try TPS.

Did they go off of existing Pro patterns that TPS already had or make up something different?

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I'm sure if you contacted a company direct with 5G's you could set something up. A bunch of guys at my shop have custom XN10s/X1 blades.......try TPS.

Did they go off of existing Pro patterns that TPS already had or make up something different?

complete custom

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MIA quoted me something like $360 for the initial mold and set up, $50 a blade, minimum 4 blades. It stings a bit at first....but they said that maybe sometime in the future they would have a kick back program that if someone orders your pattern then you get $10 credit. At least, whats what I was told...


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Same here Deatron. My bro wanted some Kovy pro in RH, exactly the samething they said to him, they'll put all the custom pattern they have on their web, and if someone buy a blade from your mold, you'll get 10$.

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ok so who wants to go in on some mirrored Prospals? seriously, I want one...

Who's paying for the mold, NOT IT!

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