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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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I am looking at getting a few of these in to convert ice skates for my Pro Shop. What kind of penetration has the frame had at the "Pro" level? At FIRS World Championships etc. anyone have some idea of the % of players using this frame?

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I am looking at getting a few of these in to convert ice skates for my Pro Shop. What kind of penetration has the frame had at the "Pro" level? At FIRS World Championships etc. anyone have some idea of the % of players using this frame?

There is a pro team in the AIHL that uses the frames and I have also seen a few players in FIRS that I saw skating with the frames on...

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Keith (Sprungster), I have a question about the Sprung installation instructions. They say to mark the center of the sole and mount the frame's center crossmember 1/4" behind the mark. The heels on some boots protrude much further back from the sole than others as you can see in theses two pictures.



The RBK heel goes almost straight up compared to the Mission. That would change the center of the sole relative to center of the boot. Is the ultimate installation to have the front and rear wheels stick out evenly from the extremities of the boot, or relative to the sole?

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Keith (Sprungster), I have a question about the Sprung installation instructions. They say to mark the center of the sole and mount the frame's center crossmember 1/4" behind the mark. The heels on some boots protrude much further back from the sole than others as you can see in theses two pictures.



The RBK heel goes almost straight up compared to the Mission. That would change the center of the sole relative to center of the boot. Is the ultimate installation to have the front and rear wheels stick out evenly from the extremities of the boot, or relative to the sole?

It works with all of the various heel shapes. More often, the problem is a boot with the same outer sole as the half-size below, leaving a big space between the toe of the sole and the toe of the boot. With that said, I always recommend having one frame with the front and rear wheels mounted so you can double check all of the positioning.

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Finally got to try my torspo sprungs and my first impression of them is pretty awesome. I recall last summer when I tried my inline after playing a few months of ice that I was completely immobile, that it took a lot of effort to turn. This year with sprungs, I put on my skates and just skated like I normally do. Very smooth, I was able to turn and have total control of it. So far i'm very happy =D I can't wait to push them a little harder!

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I'm a sprung convert!!! A big thanks to fatwabbit for the chassis and it was my first mount I did myself too! I can't wait to get out on these.


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Nice. Glad you posted that up. I've just strated the exact same conversion. Replacing the vanguard on the wicked ones with my sprungs. Trying to dye the frames at the moment before I mount them though. Just doign the main section of the frame and leaving the rocker arms white. Tried black, they turned brown. Then tried red, but so far...still brown.

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Rebel if you want black get 2 packets of black and one packet of brown. Dump those into the boiling water and let the chassis sit. When I dye tuuks I let them sit in the dye overnight. They come out jet black. By the way that tip of the 2 to 1 is not one I discovered. A member here did so give the credit to them.

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JUst received my sprungs. Dropped them off at my LHS to get mounted. The only question I have, is how durable are they? It seems like if I get hit with a slapshot the plastic frame will easily break. Have you guys had issues with these frames cracking or breaking easily?

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I think they're probably as durable if not more so than any metal alloy frames. Mine have been going strong for a year and I've taken many shots off the chassis. They do get the odd scratch or chip but this in no way effects the performance.

I believe Keith (Sprungster) tests their strength by jumping on the rocker arms and he says he can't break them whereas he can bend a metal frame pretty easily with a good stomp.

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Sprung Heel Lifts

Wow, what a difference 1/4" makes!

I think I had about 5 2-hour sessions on my "Sprung" Vapor XXVs & overall was liking them coming from my XXR HiLo's. There was however, something that just seemed "off" about them, & it took me awhile to realize what specifically it was. I felt like I was constantly on my heels. I don't know if this is because of the suspension, my personal body dynamics or what, but it seemed that some heel lifts were in order. I called up the local Grainger supply house & ordered a 12" x 12" x 1/4" thick sheet of black HDPE for just over $12. I also had to find some longer (3/4") button head hex drive bolts as well. About 2 hours of tracing, dremeling, grinding, filing, & drilling later I had my new heel lifts installed. Wow what a difference. I'm on the balls of my feet again, in a more "hockey-aggressive" stance. I feel like I can maneuver much quicker now. I was a bit concerned about adding so much lift, but I think that the suspension soaks some of it up due to weight shift, & that the 1/4" height is perfect (for me). All I have to do now is get my legs used to the new attitude of the skates. I was getting a bit of arch pain & shin-splints the first session, but the pains are almost gone after only 3 sessions.





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Great job, and the wonderful thing about the screw mounting, is you can easily R&R the lifts if they need adjusting.

I got these new size 9 code ones in the mail yesterday to mount A7s on for a customer. I was, once again, really surprised a how flat the front of the boot was until mounted in the Sprungs. Like the 8.5 Qs, the soles suck right down into the pitch and front mount plate. These are both at the low end of the A7 fit.

We are completely sold out right now and won't have more stock for a week to ten days. Closest thing to a vacation I can hope for. ;)



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Great job, and the wonderful thing about the screw mounting, is you can easily R&R the lifts if they need adjusting.

Thanks Keith. Yeah, the bolt-on part was nice, as I only had to remove the three bolts at the heel to add the lifts, rather than taking the chassis off the boots entirely.

Do you encounter many people who prefer heel lifts with the Sprungs?

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hey keith how are ya ,long time no talk. I love the look of the tour skates,very clean.anyone skating on those ,i would love to hear the feed back on the comparison with the before and after feel.

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hey Keith i sent you and email a few weeks ago and did not receive a response...i broke one of my A6 arms and i was just wondering what was the warranty on them (one year?)? and do i need the receipt for the warranty? cuz if i do i got some searching to do lol


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hey guys i'm looking into doing a ice skate to roller conversion and i have a old first gen version of the sprung so i was wondering if the improvement in the new chassic was worth paying another $120? if so what kind of differences will i expect? thx

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