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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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No matter what I do the inbox gets filled up within a couple days.

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Took me almost a year to get mine filled up <_<

You don't get as many complaints or death threats. ;)

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Change the inbox size under your admin control panel.

That would mean I would have to deal with more PMs, I like my way a lot more.

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Took me almost a year to get mine filled up  <_<

You don't get as many complaints or death threats. ;)

LOL....ok, I emailed ya. Thanks man.

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Change the inbox size under your admin control panel.

That would mean I would have to deal with more PMs, I like my way a lot more.

or you can just do what I do.. forward them onto my mods :D

I have the same problem. My inbox is full about every 3 days on my board.

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Our boxes are double the size of regular members. Ours get filled up pretty quickly - I have pages of archived messages (the important ones) but most just get deleted once responded to.

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Chadd, do you really get death threats? Yikes :blink:

A couple people believed they were above punishment for violating MSH rules and since I'm usually the one responsible for warnings and bans, I'm usually the one who catches the abuse.

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