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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just had my teeth KO'd

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Im so pissed off right now... a guy on the other team caught a puck out of the air and it got stuck in his glove, so he starts flailing his hand around trying to get it lose. The puck comes out of his glove and he whips it head level straight into my face 4 feet away! He completely shattered my right front tooth into about 10 pieces and the left front tooth was barely still in my mouth. Just got back from the dentist and both teeth are gone. Who the hell whips pucks face level from there glove!? Only words of encouragement from my teammates was "thats why I wear a shield". Gee thanks buddy. Ahhhhh my mouth is throbbing!

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The dentist pulled what was left, his exact words were "He shattered your teeth to shit". What kind of douchebag whips a puck at face level? if you catch a puck you drop it at your feet not whip it at the nearest guys face. I dont have any pics of it when it happened i got my ass to the dentist ASAP. Its pretty surreal when your kneeling on the ice surrounded by your own blood. Im not upset about losing my teeth I already had them knocked out once before when I was a teen. Im angry that some douche in a cage doesnt have enough common sense to do the right thing.

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The dentist pulled what was left, his exact words were "He shattered your teeth to shit". What kind of douchebag whips a puck at face level? if you catch a puck you drop it at your feet not whip it at the nearest guys face. I dont have any pics of it when it happened i got my ass to the dentist ASAP. Its pretty surreal when your kneeling on the ice surrounded by your own blood. Im not upset about losing my teeth I already had them knocked out once before when I was a teen. Im angry that some douche in a cage doesnt have enough common sense to do the right thing.

so did u get fake ones in?

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The funny part in all of this is that my next dentist appointment I was going to get an impression for a custom mouth guard. I was not wearing one, but had made the arrangements for a nice one. I probably still wont wear a cage, I geuss it depends on if I get implants or ones that come out. I will still get that damn mouth guard

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The funny part in all of this is that my next dentist appointment I was going to get an impression for a custom mouth guard. I was not wearing one, but had made the arrangements for a nice one. I probably still wont wear a cage, I geuss it depends on if I get implants or ones that come out. I will still get that damn mouth guard

Did you do anything to him after?

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thats when you break your stick over his shield.. when he has to pull aluminum wires out of his face.. tell him thats what he gets for wearing a shield.

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thats when you break your stick over his shield.. when he has to pull aluminum wires out of his face.. tell him thats what he gets for wearing a shield.

an aluminum sheild?

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Actually you whould still have lost most of your teeth wearing a mouth-guard.

The main function of a mouth-guard is keeping your teeth from shattering, and prevent concussions.

It won't protect the teeth's themselves against a big impact. But it's still a good idea to wear one.

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welcome to hockey.

I agree champ.

Maybe it was a stupid move, maybe the guy deserves to have his face disoriented, but if you're not wearing protection, I have no sympathy for you. I've been in and seen too many incidents to know this is no freak accident. You step on the ice, you are in danger! This is hockey.

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i totally agree also. i mean it sucks you got hit but that's why they make cages. I took a slapper to the orbital bone in march havn't taken the cage off sense and it was stupid of me to take it off in the first place.

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Actually you whould still have lost most of your teeth wearing a mouth-guard.

The main function of a mouth-guard is keeping your teeth from shattering, and prevent concussions.

It won't protect the teeth's themselves against a big impact. But it's still a good idea to wear one.

My mouthpiece has actually saved my top teeth from a couple of solid stick and puck hits. It disperses the force of the impact so the teeth don't take the brunt of it.

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I'd still say the main reason for me wearing a mouthgurad is to help prevent concussions

If you're wearing a cage and playing check hockey, then yes, concussions would be your main concern. But if you're in adult leagues then concussions aren't as much of a concern as they are usually no-check leagues. Add to that a visor and the main purpose of the mouthpiece is to protect your teeth.

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I'd still say the main reason for me wearing a mouthgurad is to help prevent concussions

yes that is the whole point of a outhguard but it would still have helped if he had one on when this happened.

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So how does a mouthpiece protect against a concussion?

If you smack your head on the boards or ice (front or back) you'll probobly still get a concussion, even if you're wearing a mouthgaurd.

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At the end of the day its your choice on what to wear or not on your face.

For me too many guys just cant keep the puck and other things down so its not worth it. Full cage all the way! I cant imagine all of the teeth and other facial parts I would be missing today without one.

I say wear a cage and go home looking human.

Sorry to hear about what that moron did to your teeth. Sucks indeed.

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