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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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greatest hockey higlight of your life?

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Knocked this kid out while he had his head down straddling the blueline Scott Stevens style.

Sniped goal with 12 seconds left in tied, must win game (Midget AA) 3 years ago.

Had 13 assists in one game. I think it was Midget A but it might have been AA.

My teams have always won lots of tournament and been good but never won states or anything.

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My team was down 6-0 going into the third period. First shift i get an assist, next shift i get a goal. With about 2 minutes left we get the score to 6-5 somehow. My buddy scores a goal to make it 6-6. After that goal the other team called a timeout and drew up some fancy play. The faceoff is at center ice and my line goes out. I win the faceoff forward chip it past the defensemen and find myself on a breakaway. I was at the hash marks and took a wrist shot and absolutely sniped the shit out of the goalie right off of where the post and the crossbar connect. It was about 6 seconds after the last goal to...We ended up winning 7-6.

Or when i scored in OT in the state playoffs to knock off the top seeded team in the first round...

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Would have been winning Ontario provincials 2 years ago but unfortunately we lost in the final. Now I guess its either winning the Ontario Winter Games two years ago or winning NARCh last week. Both pretty awesome and in both finals I got a shutout with my team winning 1-0.

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It was a two-on-two and I had the puck coming down the left wing. My teammate was coming down the center lane toward the net. I purposely took a light slapper aiming at the stand up goalie's pads in order to get the rebound to my team mate. It worked perfectly. He's more of a finisher than I am so one simple deke and it was in the net. About 10 minutes later the championship was ours.

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Beating a AAA Team playing down that was supposed to dominate. Because we PACKED the rink, and it was at nationals with 4 rinks going on and it was very crowded.

But if we're talking about personal highlights then I scored a hattrick on a team with 5 minutes left to win the game 6-5

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My first goal. Scored in squirts from my ass :D

Or my last roller hockey game, skating down center, I get a pass wayyy behind me, I'm RH, but I take my right hand only on the stick, get the ball, throw it up through my legs, pass the stick around my back to my left hand, get control of the ball, deke out one player, go in for a breakaway, score Ovechkin shootout style and get the eventual game-winner. Or two years ago, I scored from behind the net by banking it off the goalie's back

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Pee Wee A playoffs scoring the Double OT winner. Just before we went on the ice for the second OT the goailes mom came in and said.."40 bucks to whoever scores the winning goal"...i didnt get the money but i didnt care i was just so happy. We won the series 2-1.

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-scoring the shootout tournament winner in a tournament in P.E.I, back in peewee.

-winning provincials back in peewee.

-winning the bantam tournament at the local rink this year, (very big tournament, the whole town goes and watches and the hometeam hadn't win in 17 years.

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taking a slap shot from the red line with 11 seconds left to give my peewee B team the win in the first round of the playoffs against a team we didnt beat all year

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Back in peewee, I was standing on the goal line. Whipped a wrister that caught the outside of the near post, the goalie's ass, and then the inside of the far post and in. That was awesome.

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we where down like 5-1 or maybe 5-2 going in to the 3rd period of the city champoinships and the other team had a 5 on 3 man advantage. Miike was out to kill the penalty and scored on a breakaway. we came back to send it to overtime. i was out in OT and i shot the puck out of our zone and just follow up on it and tryed to hit the d man who had the puck and he shot it off my shin pads and i got a breakaway. now im a stay at home defencemen i dont take many chances and i only get breakaways in practice so i was pretty much shitting myself. i dont know what was going thru my mind but i maid the decision i was gonna deke and i did the zhamnov one hander thing and to my ( and my teams) surprize it when in.

that was the highlight of my hockey life so far and i dont think anything will really top it.

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Being the weak link on an adult beginners league, and winning a faceoff cleanly, and seeing the defenseman score, with less than a minute left to win the game 4-3.

It was my only point all season (I really am the weak link, but have very good hand/eye coordination, so good on faceoffs, because I am not skating, once my skating gets stronger, I will be a better player all around, but now, I can cram up the crease and win faceoffs)

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scoring 5 goals in one game which was also my first hat-trick

hitting a kid into the boards and breaking his collar bone

scoring the game winner with :10 left in the third period to win a tournament

winning my league

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hitting a kid into the boards and breaking his collar bone

Haha I have been on the receiving end of that twice and its not very fun...

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is the highlights of the game but thats not all..................................

2 weeks later we won the NWHL championships and thats when your name goes on the cup and in the HHOF......and that was my first year in Women's hockey.

What a start!

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......and that was my first year in Women's hockey.

Damn, thats weak.

Not good enough to play with the boys, eh? Do you atleast share the showers?

I kid, I kid. Congrats my man.

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......and that was my first year in Women's hockey.

Damn, thats weak.

Not good enough to play with the boys, eh? Do you atleast share the showers?

I kid, I kid. Congrats my man.

funny guy I guess you missed the part where it said trainer...LOL

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I hit a kid in the head with a slap shot and shattered his helmet and he had to leave the game early lol and no he fell into my shot I didnt shoot wayy to high. I got a hatrick and 2 assists in a varsity roller hockey game against a very good team. I scored a perfect break away in ice hockey I made the goalie look terrible also I hit one of my former teamates very very hard and he was slow to get up I know its not all that amazing but after the game he refused to talk to me :P

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