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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flyweight shafts

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I was in Victoria, B.C. yesterday and there were 3 flyweight tapered shafts (12-9 flex) in the Sport Chek up there. They were $99 bucks but they had a deal, buy one shaft get one half off. I was very tempted but decided to just post about them instead as I have more sticks than I need already. I hope they good to use!

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way to represent victoria! ( where i am from, and work at a lhs here)

which sportchek? the bay centre or the one on cloverdale and blanshard?

if that is really such a good deal, maybe i will go pick one up.

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Bay Center Mall location. Yeah... i wanted to buy two of the three, but just couldnt justify buying two more sticks! Oh and I forgot to mention they were all the biogirth (traditional rectangle shaped) shafts.

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For all you Flyweight guys, we (Mission - Itech) just sold several hundred Pro Flyweights to hockeymonkey.com. Some were "Traditional" some were "BioGirth." They should have them available soon. Sorry JR, no Metamorphics!

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For all you Flyweight guys, we (Mission - Itech) just sold several hundred Pro Flyweights to hockeymonkey.com. Some were "Traditional" some were "BioGirth." They should have them available soon. Sorry JR, no Metamorphics!

sorry I meant biogirth vs traditional. Both were mentioned as if they were two different types.

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