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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Happy Birthday JR!

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Happy Bday JR. I will celebrate by buying the spiciest wing combo and Wings N' Things, and drinking a Super Big Gulp. Then for dinner i will go to the Chinese food place across the street, and buy some pork fried rice and drench it in soy sauce. Then for a late night snack, White Castle it is. 8cheeseburgers, a sack of fries, and a pink lemonade. Then before i go to bed, i will say my thanks for you being the main creator of this plague that requires to me stay on the computer :ph34r:

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Thanks for all the good wishes! Since everyone is probably younger than me, my advice is the credo for Terminal Hockey:Skate until you die!! Since we all share the same passion play hockey as much as you can. It will definitely keep you young. Also, your best buddies in life will always be your hockey buddies. I like to call it a "small circle" since we all know one another in our local areas who play. We are privileged to play the greatest game on earth.

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