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New hockey rink invention

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Sorry if this has been posted before, I couldnt remember seeing it here.

Google video

Its to make it easier for people to see the puck on T.V.

Personally i think its a good idea for the joe public, but true hockey players/fans will hate it.

The effects they can do with the scoreing and stuff is cool though.

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Seems like a much more expensive solution that in all practicality wouldn't be much different from the old FOX pucks. Yes people AT the game would also be able to see it, but at what increase in cost?

I think its a cool idea, but having to install the entire system in every arena just isn't practical.

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I think it's dumb, if you watch the players actions and movements on the ice, you can tell who has the puck.

if you understand the game it is easy to follow everything that way, but the fan who is going to their first game is not going to be able to follow the game like that. If the nhl is ever going to be a major sports in the US then need to figure out a way to make the game easier for someone new to follow

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i think they need to have an option you can choose to watch the game in. either normal, for the hockey purists, or with a comet tail type thing, like the foxtraxx puck for newbie watchers.

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I don't like the idea. I think that more players would be subject to looking down at either the lights, or the lights on the puck, causing more injuries.

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I think this is a terrible idea. It will make it much easier to defend against as the puck will have a trail behind it and efforts of the opposition to hide the puck through drop passes, faked passes, etc. will become less effective as the moving puck will have a one foot tail on it.

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I think it's dumb, if you watch the players actions and movements on the ice, you can tell who has the puck.

if you understand the game it is easy to follow everything that way, but the fan who is going to their first game is not going to be able to follow the game like that. If the nhl is ever going to be a major sports in the US then need to figure out a way to make the game easier for someone new to follow

Screw newbies.

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That would be very expensive, and the fox flaming puck was a bust. Also, anything that's diagional wouldn't look right either.

No thanks.

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There is no way that this system could be implemented for ice hockey.

Between bulbs that produce heat under the ice and would not allow for the ice to freeze, to the fact that the paint in the ice would not allow the light to be seen. 0% chance of success.

The only thing that can work is something like Fox did. If they tried again with today's technology, they could probably do a better job.

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There is no way that this system could be implemented for ice hockey.

Between bulbs that produce heat under the ice and would not allow for the ice to freeze, to the fact that the paint in the ice would not allow the light to be seen. 0% chance of success.

The only thing that can work is something like Fox did. If they tried again with today's technology, they could probably do a better job.

I agree. Plus if the players could see it it would be very distracting. I think they should go back to what Fox had. Anyone know why Fox got rid of that?

To me, it's no different than the things they've done with football by adding lines to the field for 1st downs or down and distance that the players can walk on top of. Just makes the game eisier to watch for everyone, especially new fans.

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Anyone know why Fox got rid of that?

They ditched the Foxtrack puck because each puck cost $200. Now, imagine how much money the NHL would spend just in puck costs with that system...

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Anyone know why Fox got rid of that?

They ditched the Foxtrack puck because each puck cost $200. Now, imagine how much money the NHL would spend just in puck costs with that system...

Probably less than an NHL player's salary.

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no sh!t

every puck would have to be specially made to have that insert in there

and how do we know if the weight will be the same without sacrifising size or shape or vice versa

its too complicated

and not to mention damn expensive

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that is a DUMB ass "invention" which they totally copied that other DUMB ass "invention" from FOX. i could feel my IQ going down while watching that video... :angry:

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that is a DUMB ass "invention" which they totally copied that other DUMB ass "invention" from FOX. i could feel my IQ going down while watching that video... :angry:

yeah and they had the british computer lad to make it sound all professional and futuristic. hillarious

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Can somebody explain to me what the "Foxtrack" was please.

From what i remember, It was when Fox had the broadcasting rights. it was a puck with a sensor type thing in it, so that it could be tracked on the ice. So when people were watching Hockey on TV there was a blue 'tail' that followed the puck. then when a player hit it over 80 Mph it turned red to show the speed. E.g. a slapshot.

It was sposed to make the puck easier to track for newbies watching hockey.

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Taken from a hockey gimmicks article on the CBC sports website:



What were they thinking? Leave it to those geniuses at Fox - the same network that gave us Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire? and When Animals Attack - to come up with that abomination known as FoxTrack (AKA The Fox Puck).

With American hockey fans complaining of not being able to see the puck, Fox debuted FoxTrack during its telecast of the 1996 All-Star Game in Boston. The rubber puck was specially made with infrared sensors inside that, when working with the corresponding sensors around the rink, enabled special computers to track its movement and present the puck on-screen as a blue dot and a streaking comet as it moved around the ice.

Hockey purists cried foul, saying it made a mockery of the game. Players were none too impressed, claiming the specially made puck bounced around like a lacrosse ball. Thankfully, the Fox Puck died a sudden death when it made its last appearance during Game 1 of the 1998 Stanley Cup final.

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