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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I am currently shopping for a new stick due to the breakage of my vector v120 I have narrowed it down to these sticks. I was wondering if you have used any of these sticks if so what did you think of them how is the performance and durability and did you have any torquing issues.

and what do you think of these shafts

easton z-bubble

warrior dolomite

warrior AK27

oh yeah im on a budget

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There is some excellent info in the review section.



I've found sticks are more of a personal preference. One person will swear by brand X while another will say brand X is crap and to stick with brand Y. The reviews seem to be unbiased.

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My teammate hated the Mission Hex and said he get his shot under control. Before that I think he was using the one of the lower end Bauer VI stick'ums. I didn't check to see what he's using now.

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It's all PP. go to your LHS and see what stick(s) are available in the flex and curve of your choice. The L-2 or Dolomite (or any othertapered combo) are good choices if you break blades more often than you do shafts, as you have the option of changing the blade out.

Out of curiosity, why aren't any CCM sticks on your list?

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oh yeah im on a budget

thats no budget. with the custom colored xx there, its the most you can spend on a hockey stick

Believe it or not they aren't all that expensive. I got one this weekend on sale for $100.

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I'ved used four of the sticks you mentioned (Vapor XX,Hex-1,Synergy ST, and an AK 27 paired with a cnt z-carbon), and I'ved also used an Inno 1100 shaft (pretty much a dolomite), and the AK 27 combo has been my favorite. Great kick, decent feel, and I like trying different curves every now and then.

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If I had to pick one of them I would cry. I've tried them all except the AK27 and found them to be lacking in some area.

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It's all PP. go to your LHS and see what stick(s) are available in the flex and curve of your choice. The L-2 or Dolomite (or any othertapered combo) are good choices if you break blades more often than you do shafts, as you have the option of changing the blade out.

Out of curiosity, why aren't any CCM sticks on your list?

im planning to go to my LHS today to see what selection i have.

and the reason i dont have ccm stick on my list is because i have had bad experiences with the blades and my parents are sick of spending money on the sticks just to have them break after 40- 45 days

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just went to one of my LHS looked at some of the sticks I looked at the bauer endure,a normal vapor xx, vapor xx stick um and a vapor xxx (junior model because they didnt have any int) i did not like the endure but i liked the vapor xx's and i couldn't really tell what the xxx was like cuz it was a junior they didn't have any synergy ST's in stock at the time and they dont have any sticks or shafts from mission or warrior :angry: so im gonna head down to a bigger hockey shop this weekend.

ps does anyone know any hockey shops in the dartmouth halifax area that carry mission sticks.

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I really like the Vapor XX I just bought. I haven't used it yet but it feels great. I like the Vapor XXX and would have bought one if they had the right flex. Hard to beat either of those for the price.

I will say this. The Warrior Starskie I have is a tank (in a good way). It feels nice and it's very durable. I wish they had a better selection of curves.

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I really like the Vapor XX I just bought. I haven't used it yet but it feels great.

You like it and it feels great but you haven't used it yet? :rolleyes:

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I really like the Vapor XX I just bought. I haven't used it yet but it feels great.

You like it and it feels great but you haven't used it yet? :rolleyes:

I know I know. It's probably the kiss of death. I'll probably snap it the first shot. ;)

Chadd - I've yet to find a shop that will let you use a stick before you buy it. You have to put some trust into the feel (weight and balance). I did some homework on it before I bought it. I read the reviews here and talked to some people who've used them. Gotta trust something when you shelling out that kind of coin.

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EastWest Hockey will and that's one of the cooler things I've heard of. Seen it with baseball bats numerous times but never for a stick except for this one place near/in St. Louis.

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HEY man i strongly suggest the ST its a great buy its durable and consistent+ balanced.It might be a little heavy 415 g but still i would buy it.

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I really like the Vapor XX I just bought. I haven't used it yet but it feels great.

You like it and it feels great but you haven't used it yet? :rolleyes:

I know I know. It's probably the kiss of death. I'll probably snap it the first shot. ;)

Chadd - I've yet to find a shop that will let you use a stick before you buy it. You have to put some trust into the feel (weight and balance). I did some homework on it before I bought it. I read the reviews here and talked to some people who've used them. Gotta trust something when you shelling out that kind of coin.

You missed the point entirely. How in the hell can you like something that you've never used?

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I really like the Vapor XX I just bought. I haven't used it yet but it feels great.

You like it and it feels great but you haven't used it yet? :rolleyes:

I know I know. It's probably the kiss of death. I'll probably snap it the first shot. ;)

Chadd - I've yet to find a shop that will let you use a stick before you buy it. You have to put some trust into the feel (weight and balance). I did some homework on it before I bought it. I read the reviews here and talked to some people who've used them. Gotta trust something when you shelling out that kind of coin.

You missed the point entirely. How in the hell can you like something that you've never used?

How can I use it if I don't buy it....and I wouldn't have bought it unless I liked it.

I've played long and used enough sticks to know what I like, and what to look for in a new stick. Until they start giving me them to try out I'm gonna have to trust my gut.

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I'ved used four of the sticks you mentioned (Vapor XX,Hex-1,Synergy ST, and an AK 27 paired with a cnt z-carbon), and I'ved also used an Inno 1100 shaft (pretty much a dolomite), and the AK 27 combo has been my favorite. Great kick, decent feel, and I like trying different curves every now and then.

have you had any issues with it torquing ? and how is the balance and feel with the z-carbon cnt blade because that is one of the blades i was going to buy if i go with a two piece

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No, actually I was worried about the torqing when I bought it because I had torqing issues with the 1100. The CNT blade is simply amazing...I'm at a camp this week and some of the Jr players pass pretty hard but none of the passes bounced off my stick as they normall do with composites. The balance feels decent, the combo isn't superlight but it's no brick either.

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