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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How much do you pay for a sharpening

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Hit or miss for me.

Our proshop worker knows me, so sometimes he wont let me pay. Other times its $5, with the 6th sharpening free.

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I hear ya. I can't believe people accept that.

bud that guys near me and i sometimes get asked to do the laser sharpening, i wish i had one of those pointing lasers and use that up and down the blade for jokes

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New York here.

$25 for the first sharpening. Paid $30 for my brothers Graf's.

$7.50 for everyone after that.

Where in NY are you paying that much???? I'm in NYC and it's $5-$6 tops

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If you buy a pair of higher end skates skates at my LHS like 1500c,one90's etc. you get free skate sharpenings as long as you own those skates,

And there good sharpenings to

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$20 for first time sharpening, $5 for regular sharpening.

when you buy skates at my lhs you get a free first skate sharpening

I bought mine from hockeymonkey because I didn't have much to spend(about $150) and my LHS had vector 3.0(i think) for that price. I got 952 tacks for $130, so with the sharpening I came in just over what I had to spend(yay, credit cards) and I got a skate that fits and feels good. Normally, I try to support my LHS but that doesn't always work out. So I really didn't mind paying $25 for my first sharpening, I figure that that's close to what they'd be making on the skates if I had bought them there.

Guy came in today with skates he bought at Sports Authority. We charge $20 for first sharpening for skates not bought at our store. That's fair because sharpening and putting in a new hollow takes about the same time/effort/labor as 4-5 regular sharpenings. It does suprise some folks because they don't understand the difference between a regular sharpening and a first time sharpening.

Our regular price is $5, and discount prepaid cards lower that to $3.33. Most of our customer buy the discount cards. I do have some NY city area customers who mail me their steel for sharpening and the total including shipping is less than what their local guys charge. They get high dollar for sharpening in the big cities. In fairness, I'm paying $14.50 per square foot for retail space, but in Manhatten they may be paying $30 per sf, so it simply costs them more to operate. Not to mention the outrageous NY state taxes. (viva ...Live Free or die) :D It's not always they are ripping you off, you have to understand it cost money to bring product/service to market, and in some areas of the country, that cost more, so you pay more. That's life. Personally, I couldn't even afford to rent a Manhatten apartment, so I'm sure sharpening cost is proportunate to income level.

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Im in queens and paying $8 to a friend who bought a machine that pretty much does the sharpening for him in his basement (From HobbyDen, if anyone remembers that place). It's a little pricey, but I know that I can get a consistent sharpening each time, and I can go there at night. Most LHs are hit or miss with sharpenings, depending on who's working at any given time. Also, I can give feedback to the guy I go to and he can adjust my sharpening according to what I tell him.

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^^ I completely understand the cost of the first sharpening, and I'm glad... well not really glad, but I'm ok with paying it to the guys because the LHS guys are good guys. They have no problem letting me know where I can buy something they dont have or checking up on a price for me. Like I've said before they often do things free of charge and often I give them tips whether they charge me or not. So I pay $5 for a sharpening and $1 tip for the guy to sharpen my skates. That $1 doesn't mean too much for me but if someone sees me do it then maybe they do it too and soon they have more than a few guys giving them an extra buck. A good LHS is hard to come by(they once even hooked me up with a pro return koho 590 goalie stick for $20) and being that they are in a place like Florida I'm more than happy to throw them a dollar here and there.

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When I was in FL we charged $7.50 for on the spot and $5 overnight. Nobody complained except for the old Canadians who would say "Well in blahblah I used to get them sharpened for $2."

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$8 us

Welcome to SoCal.

Lawn care $17.50 per visit.

20 game season - $600.

3 bedroom house - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

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(From HobbyDen, if anyone remembers that place).

Was that eventually called Hockey Den, right by the K-mart and Burlington Coat Factory? They fit me in way too shallow CCM Vakutacks and gave me sharpening #6 with a dot next to it. I still have the sticker on the skates.

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Not 100%, but I thought they were 2 different shops. I didn't start driving until after they went out of business, so I never had a chance to go there. Is the sticker Yellow with black writing? If so, it's the same place/machine. The guy who owns the machine can match that number to your grind.

They used to ask you for your height, weight, pisition, handedness, style, and all kinds of other stuff to ensure a proper sharpening and give you a coded number on your skates that corresponded to your hollow (and possibly radius). Pretty good gimmick to keep ppl coming back. My friend bought it from another guy who used to work at the store, and the first guy used to have people come all the way from jersey for sharpenings.

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Yep, yellow with black letters. I went from Manhattan to Queens to get it done (bummed a ride off a friend, no car at the time).

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$6 overnight or $10 while you wait. I switched to t'blades after the guy tried to flip me shit about wanting my skates done before a drop in. I found a new guy who does a better job and and charges $5 so I will be switching back.

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I can't believe 25 dollars for one sharpening.. :huh: I would literally just buy one of those crappy hand held sharpeners (not a stone, but the actual sharpener....)

I pay anywhere from 3-5 dollars per sharpening.

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The $25 sharpening was most likely for a first time sharpening on skates that weren't bought in-store. nobody's going to stay in business charging that kind of money.

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New skates bought from us = Free first time sharpen Otherwise its $5.00 and we keep people on file when they buy 10 they get one free so it comes to $4.50 a sharpen. We charge $7.00 for new skates not bought from us.

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Hit or miss for me.

Our proshop worker knows me, so sometimes he wont let me pay. Other times its $5, with the 6th sharpening free.

oh yeah we do that here too

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I pay $50 per year on the family plan (eg. unlimited sharpenings for everyone in my family that plays hockey).

Dude that is awesome. You think about it and only if you have one person in the family who skates that thing will more than pay for itself in a year. I play three seasons a year and probably sharpen my skates twice a month. at 6 bucks thats about 130 dollars. I need to talk to the pro shopa nd see if they can work out a plan.

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