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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Some Lady Help...

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Alright, today I went to my new Middle School for the orientation for new kids. I saw this beautiful girl and was thinking about her allllll day. How can I find out if she likes me? Also, should I tell her I like her. or should I introduce mysrlf?

I don't know her name but she seens very nice. How can I ask her her name and ask her what base she is on without looking like an ass? I would like to be friends. :ph34r: I know i sound like a creep and a geek whos never dated before/

So we have bases. which are basically your classes which you rotate between. Say Base A has teacher 1,2,3 for subject 1,2,3 and base b has 456 for subject 456. How can I ask her what base she is on without looking like an ass?

Thanks so much guys

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Stop being a pussy and just introduce yourself. You start the conversation. If she isnt interested, you will be able to tell that immediately.

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Alright, today I went to my new Middle School for the orientation for new kids. I saw this beautiful girl and was thinking about her allllll day. How can I find out if she likes me? Also, should I tell her I like her. or should I introduce mysrlf?

I don't know her name but she seens very nice. How can I ask her her name and ask her what base she is on without looking like an ass? I would like to be friends. :ph34r: I know i sound like a creep and a geek whos never dated before/

So we have bases. which are basically your classes which you rotate between. Say Base A has teacher 1,2,3 for subject 1,2,3 and base b has 456 for subject 456. How can I ask her what base she is on without looking like an ass?

Thanks so much guys

"Hi, I'm (insert your name here). What base are you in?"

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lol ohh my.

just introduce yourself and ask what "base" shes in.you cant really look like and ass aslong as you play it cool.you also cant look like much for of an idiot then i did the other day when i left work to go introduce myself to the girl that works next door after she had been in my work already that day and i ran in to a garbage can.

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how old are you. and is she new too?

In another post I wrote 16 by mistake because I was using the keypad on the side of the keyboard, but I meant to write 13. My schooling is wierd, it goes Elementary, K-6th so all three schools in our district go to the middle school. So yes, everyone in 7th grade is new.

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"Hi, I'm (insert your name here). What base are you in?"


"Hi I'm (insert name) I'd like to get to second base with you. :ph34r:

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Go up to her and ask her if she has hit puberty yet. Assure her you already have while offering to show her proof. If she runs away she isn't the kind of girl you want to be dealing with anyway.

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I'd like to help out, but it's been like a year or two since I stopped hitting on middle school-aged girls. I'm rusty.

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I'd like to help out, but it's been like a year or two since I stopped hitting on middle school-aged girls. I'm rusty.

''That's why I like high school girls. I keep gettin olda, but they stay the same''

LMAO :lol:

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I'd like to help out, but it's been like a year or two since I stopped hitting on middle school-aged girls. I'm rusty.

Where's Heisman when you need him?

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I'd like to help out, but it's been like a year or two since I stopped hitting on middle school-aged girls. I'm rusty.

right on cue.....

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I'd like to help out, but it's been like a year or two since I stopped hitting on middle school-aged girls. I'm rusty.

No worries, mate. I'll catch this one.

Step 1.) Whip out your dick and slap her in the face with it.

Step 2.) Throw it in.

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You're so crude, Heisman. Nothing works better than "I can drive you to my house after school" if they're in this age, or "I can buy you beer" if you're in that dangerous high-school age.

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You're so crude, Heisman. Nothing works better than "I can drive you to my house after school" if they're in this age, or "I can buy you beer" if you're in that dangerous high-school age.

When you're that young and horny, why waste all those words?

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I'd like to help out, but it's been like a year or two since I stopped hitting on middle school-aged girls. I'm rusty.

Well Since Don vito cant help...

Everybody gets nervous when it comes to talking to chicks. Especially if your going to see the dame every day for the next 6 years. Getting turned down sucks, but its worse never asking. Just start a conversation, oh where ya from, what do u like, blah blah.

I mean I just met the most adorable girl yesterday in school an all I said was where are you from. Just dont be nervous, girls like confidence, and they also like big... (insert corny, dumb, stupid word that isnt a word for penis here):

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I'd like to help out, but it's been like a year or two since I stopped hitting on middle school-aged girls.  I'm rusty.

Well Since Don vito cant help...

Everybody gets nervous when it comes to talking to chicks. Especially if your going to see the dame every day for the next 6 years. Getting turned down sucks, but its worse never asking. Just start a conversation, oh where ya from, what do u like, blah blah.

I mean I just met the most adorable girl yesterday in school an all I said was where are you from. Just dont be nervous, girls like confidence, and they also like big... (insert corny, dumb, stupid word that isnt a word for penis here):

Keep in mind when he is posting you have to change all female verbs and nouns to male ones.

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