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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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yes, the federal government denied funding to states who would not change their laws to 21 to buy. It is town by town on alcohol consumption though. In some towns you can be 6 and drink whisky, but you cannot buy. I know my old town in jersey had an ordanince that made it illegal to be under 21 and consume alcohol.

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rum or wisky with coke are both good

also try it with all diff types of sodas like vanila coke or sprite, stuff like that

rum and coke is a classic, great shit. Now try tequilla and coke, and then taste some vomit, I dare you to find me a difference.

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yes, the federal government denied funding to states who would not change their laws to 21 to buy. It is town by town on alcohol consumption though. In some towns you can be 6 and drink whisky, but you cannot buy. I know my old town in jersey had an ordanince that made it illegal to be under 21 and consume alcohol.

Yea, it goes from state to state. Each state is in charge of its own laws, but the fed says how old you have to be to buy it..

For example.. here in Utah, you have to be 21. But nobody can buy on sunday and the beer here has a lower percentage of alcohol in it compared to other states. Also, you cannot purchase anything but beer/weak drinks and mixers here unless you go to a state regulated liquor store.

good think I dont drink huh?

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the federal government does not make laws on the sale of alcohol, they pressured the states into it.

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I wonder how many underage kids will chip in and give stupid answers just to be part of the thread..

yeah well its not really cool/smart when you post you're an underage drinker in a public site haha

:angry: are you that paranoid?

i've never thought of this before.. but what's the underage drinking like in the states? i always assumed it was no different than in canada but with the higher drinking age in the states and a couple posts from this threat it really made me wonder.

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I'm not a really big mixed drink guy, infact I only taste the misses after my inferno and Dr. Pepper incident, but I liked the Russians (white or black), Sunny D & Peach Schnopps and Sex on the Beaches of the ones she let me try.

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I am currently on a Soberano (Spanish) brandy and Diet Coke trip. If I can get my hands on it, then Captain Morgans original spiced rum and Diet Coke works well too.

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I'am new to this board and I would just like to say hello, and say my favorite drink,

I'am pretty sure that drinking in some states is 18 and others it is 21 just depends upon the state.

Anyways I personally like Pina Colada and my son likes A&W root beer but we can't get it from where ,were from so when ever we are up in Canada he loves to get that drink,

I must say that is has to be the creamiest root beer out there,

Thank You

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My usual drink is beer, but I guess I can play along.

If I'm not drinking beer, i will have Crown Royal and diet Pepsi. It HAS to be diet Pepsi. Anything else is either too sweet or too savory, and kills the flavor of the Crown.

If not that, I like Vodka and Red Bull, Long Islands, White Rum and Coke, and lots of other things.

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a note to those who listed their stuff mixed with Diet anything..recent studies have found that using the Diet stuff can have your bac read 2x the normal amount as it pushes liquor through much faster...

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About underage drinking--

Isnt it in Europe you can drink at 16? And some states in America its around there? not all are 21 right?

In the town im from, there is no drinking age. I had some 13year old ask me to get two 40's.

Gotta love Hempstead. I've seen 12 y/o kids buying 40s all the time.

As far as I go, I pretty much never mix.

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For a mixed drink I'll do vodka clubs. I can down those things just like water, other people hate them and can barely drink them. Also captain mo and Dr. Pepper goes down smooth, you can make stiff ones with that combo. My buddy's dad also makes swish, comes out at about 35% and you can mix with just about anything and barely notice the booze.

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you know what I never got. I never got the people who drank stright liquor (of which they dont like the taste) or drinks that will take the hair off your back. If your drinking to get totally smashed you dont have to drink shit. There are ways of mixing drinks to make em taste good. You are suppose to enjoy what your drinking, aren't you? I always hated the people who would be like, why you mixin that vodka with red bull? Why dont you drink stright vodka? Because this tastes better?

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With a few exceptions I'll take a shot over a mixed drink any day. But I guess there is a difference between drinking straight liquor and taking shots of it.

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