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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission prostock shafts

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no problems here, I got what I ordered.

I also noticed the warranty statement but wrote it off to standard graphics and I would imagine that its overridden by the pro stock statement on the other side.

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I'm sorry but this proves why Hockey Monkey is my least favorite store to order online from. I cannot imagine Damon at Epuck or Jason at EWH not sending what you guys ordered

So glad I did not pull the trigger on this deal

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just looked at my shaft     hahahaha my hockey shaft

get you friend to open up it should say either on it or low connection (7.0) have a flex rating like 10-7(90)  12-9(100)

on the warraty marker it should say use only with thin tendon tech. blades

mainly look for either

not ion

Mine says both ether and low connection 7.0 and it is standard....

that weird

are you going to complain

if so hope it works out for ya, keep me posted on that cause would they make you pay more for shippin back the items and to get the right ones if so that blows

plus my has a warrenty on the shaft near the top for 30 days, I thought pro stock was null and void of one, and if this is good where would you go to get it replaced??

bitch like crazy and maybe they'll make a deal for you to keep those shaft(maybe sell them locally or on here) and send you what you really ordered.

Yeah, I'm going to phone later tonight and complain...I guess it's not that big of a deal, but I'll phone and see what happens. I just don't want to get landed with another $45 charge and pay to ship them back <_<

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no problems here, I got what I ordered.

I also noticed the warranty statement but wrote it off to standard graphics and I would imagine that its overridden by the pro stock statement on the other side.

my shaft doesn't have pro stock only warranty void like an easton would just says warranty 30 on one side and on the other side with the flex rating just has NHL PRO right with the flex rating all to getther

no this is intended for professional use only or anything that would make it seem like there is no waranty, so thats why I wondered.

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ya in Canada you'll have to pay the gst on the item 6% (duty)

got 2 shafts and a blade(mission prt) ups guy charged me $37cnd and some change

it sucks but now i know to get family or friends in the states too help out next time

because the ups guy said getting it shipped thought the post office is alot cheaper for importing into Canada or something wasn't paying to much attention to him though, was in shock over price but hey it was like getting a 2 for 1 deal with a blade so i'm not complaining just know i can save money next time if i do things differently

HM doesn't have a USPS option for shipping to Canada. Canada Post will nail you with fees too. Bummer. I'm waiting for my delivery next week. Even with the tax and duties I'm saving a bundle over standard stuff.

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Canada Post's fees are $5 + GST + PST + applicable duty. (if any)

Here are the fees from UPS


Chances are, most will get hit by at least the $19.95 brokerage fee (for values $40.01 - $100.00) and $4.25 C.O.D. fee on top of GST + PST + applicable duty.

Just wondering, how long are the shafts? (mainly looking for the 65 flex tapered L2 length, but would like to know about the others)

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the shafts are long(er)

I'm 5'9" and cut a couple inches off of my SL and cut about the same amt of inches off of my flyweight with a blade in it.


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got 2 shafts and a blade(mission prt) ups guy charged me $

HM doesn't have a USPS option for shipping to Canada. Canada Post will nail you with fees too. Bummer. I'm waiting for my delivery next week. Even with the tax and duties I'm saving a bundle over standard stuff.

HM only has UPS ground shipping avalible on orders to Canada

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I'm sorry but this proves why Hockey Monkey is my least favorite store to order online from. I cannot imagine Damon at Epuck or Jason at EWH not sending what you guys ordered

So glad I did not pull the trigger on this deal

That's just a few people, I got exactly what I ordered. Although Epuck and EWH have better CS and are just great companies, they can't offer you this kind of deal. I got 3 mission flyweights for $71 or something including shipping, which is like $5 more than I bought a used flyweight for. You can't beat that deal.

Yeah, I'm going to phone later tonight and complain...I guess it's not that big of a deal, but I'll phone and see what happens. I just don't want to get landed with another $45 charge and pay to ship them back

Let them know that you're on MSH, they know about this forum and know what kind of impact it might have for their buisness. They might(keyword = might) suprise you and make you a deal to fix their mistake. But make sure you talk to a manager and not the girl that answers the phone when you call them, she can't do anything for you.

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I can't speak for anyone else but I don't like the board's name being dropped for anything, even if it's to right a wrong. Next thing you know, people are being blackballed and trying to send kickbacks to admins and....uh...well go ahead, drop the name a little.

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^^ lol, agreed.

^ well I understand where you're coming from... but letting them know that you're on a forum such as this let's them know that you probably have access to other's that are calling in and saying that they are on a hockey forum. Actually, last time I called them and complained about the Flyweights they asked me if I was on this forum.

P.S. I came off completely wrong in what i said in my last post. I wouldn't want you to make a threat against their buisness(at least not directly). I take back that part of my post and edit it to:

Let them know that you're a member of MSH and that you know that you're not the only one that has gotten an incorrect order and that it's not a good buisness practice to mess up soo many orders.

HM knows this board and knows how it can affect buisness(that's your indirect threat), also because of this board you know you're not alone. This helps your cause because you can pull the "this must be a common practice for your buisness" card.

Let me add that I'm not trying to get you free stuff or anything(take advantage of HM) but to right a wrong.

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I see your point but I also think they should right their wrongs on their own merits and not just because people are part of a forum. I'm sure there are other people who aren't members here that got screwed by HM because they are a fundamentally retarded company.

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HM knows this board and knows how it can affect buisness(that's your indirect threat), also because of this board you know you're not alone. This helps your cause because you can pull the "this must be a common practice for your buisness" card.

I highly doubt a company of that size is worried about 15 people who buy off here. I wonder how many people outside of this forum purchase stuff off HM. So feel free to disagree with me, but i don't think it's going to affect much of their business.

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Mack - I agree completely but that's in a perfect world, alas...

Miike - Of course they don't care about the small number of people that bought them, but any smart company knows that word of mouth spreads fast(especially when it's hundreds telling people about the CS at an online store). A bad reputation can hit you hard, in time.

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Anybody get a 75 flex Hex-1 shaft yet? I just got mine and tried to put a senior synthesis blade in it but it wouldn't fit. The shaft feels small in my hands almost like a junior stick. Has anybody else had this problem?

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Anybody get a 75 flex Hex-1 shaft yet? I just got mine and tried to put a senior synthesis blade in it but it wouldn't fit. The shaft feels small in my hands almost like a junior stick. Has anybody else had this problem?

Oh great, I ordered this the other day too! When I get it, I'll let you know.

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nice shafts just don't seem to fit blades well for what ever reason and the feel is so much different then my m2 but not(if ya know what i mean?) feels heavy to me but it is lighter then my m-2 setup(rb pro easton blade) my flyweight right now has an r2 blade, just different i guess. I think I'm just old school and like the reg. shaft and wood blade combo, but the release is better shoot not really harder but quicker(on the flyweight that is).

oh ya forgot i like the retail flyweight better then the pro stock, they feel like my m-2 more, just the 12-9 is too stiff and the 10-7 is perfect.

question my M-2 shaft is a 100 flex and has seamed to have soften up(become more flexy, which is great its now just right) well the flyweight do the same because I have only used it(retail one) like two times.

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Anybody get a 75 flex Hex-1 shaft yet? I just got mine and tried to put a senior synthesis blade in it but it wouldn't fit. The shaft feels small in my hands almost like a junior stick. Has anybody else had this problem?

I picked one up for my friend and we had the same problem. Tried several senior tapered blades and none of them would fit. Ended up taking it back and getting another 90 flex hex grip shaft. As a side note, that 90 flex hex grip and the two that I had already bought for myself didn't have a grip coating. I was still happy to get the shafts for $50 so I didn't make a big deal out of it.

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Anybody get a 75 flex Hex-1 shaft yet? I just got mine and tried to put a senior synthesis blade in it but it wouldn't fit. The shaft feels small in my hands almost like a junior stick. Has anybody else had this problem?

I mentioned this in a earlier topic regarding the Hex-1 75 Pro. I got to try one before they went to HM for sale. It felt like a INT shaft. WAY different width then the Hex-1 90 Pro.

It came with a Mission Ether Wood tapered blade. I also tried a SR Vapor XV tapered blade that fit fine in it.

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