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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovechkins Crib

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At least the kid knows how to dress. Me and Alex have two things in common, we both like D&G, and we both wear mirrored visors. Now if he could only be as good as me.

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Haha Crosby got drafted by the wrong club!

Seriously he'd probaly live at Gretsky's house had the Coyotes won the draft lottery.

When I saw the thumb I thought it was Wayne & Mandy Moore or something, but guess that is his daughter...

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Ya she's hot, she sang at the outdoor game in Edmonton, with the Old-Timers facing off before a game MTL vrs. EDM.

She's into singing/acting or something. I have no clue, she has probably released a CD or something, just I'm probably not into her style.

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Im stuck at work.. bored as hell, so I looked up Ovechkin on youtube. I found this gem.

Pretty empty house.

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Im stuck at work.. bored as hell, so I looked up Ovechkin on youtube. I found this gem.

Pretty empty house.

They ran that on comcast here in DC at the start of last season, well, may have been a month or so in, but they taped it almost immediately after he bought his new house (which is close to the new caps facility in ballston).

I would think that after almost a full year he may have got his discoball and wodka wit cranberry

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I like how is dad just waddles in during the interview, kinda looks around, and then waddles back out.

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