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What NHL players use the spreadeagle?

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Someone challenged me today to name how many NHL players use the spreadeagle; right away I thought of Matt Stajan and Ovechkin… but I know there are a ton of them and I’m drawing a blank.

Help me out - who else uses the spreadeagle?

If you don’t know what it is – it is when … oh it's too hard to explain, here’s a pic of my kid doing it:


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I play with guys that do it, they're mostly converted roller hockey players. Seems dangerous, if that chick took a bump she'd take a nasty spill into the boards.

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Bondra- He seems to quite often!

Oh yeah! I forgot Bondra... and I can't believe this but I forgot Sid the kid... he's even done it in that RBK commercial.

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do you mean stopping like that cuz i can do that

I can't remember seeing someone do this to stop. The most common would seem to be coming from behind the net - instead of doing a wrap-around, they spreadeagle in front of the net. Some do it the reverse - towards the net so they can face the net head-on to taake the shot.

I've seen it used when people lose the puck in their feet and also in dekeing and puck protection because you can easily skate off in either direction, and it is very hard for your opponent to tell which direction you're going to go in.

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I know its already been mentioned but Doug Weight is the first person I thought of when I looked at that picture. When I learned it he was the guy mentioned, when I taught it this summer, he was who we mentioned.

Its pretty good coming off the half wall, sort of like a Gretzky curl..opening up to look for the pass

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