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Penguins equipment sale next weekend

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The Penguins will hold a new and used equipment sale next Saturday and Sunday before, during and after training camp practices at Mellon Arena. Items from the Penguins locker room -- jerseys, sticks and skates -- will be available at the Marriott City Center across from the arena. See www.pittsburghpenguins.com for more details

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I wish the lightning had an equipment sale :( I'm really jealous of you guys that get to go to these and find such great deals.

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THat stuff probably won't even be in there. I'm sure he signed with a memorabilia company by now.

Correct, Crosby has had an exclusive memorabila contract with a company since he was 16.

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They used to sell the old junk at the iceoplex when they practiced there. I haven't been to the new facility since they switched.

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They sell stuff at the arena all season long I dont know what is so special about this one though. I talked to a equipment guy I know and he has no idea what they are gonna have there. Probably most of the stuff from the rookie camp.

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Yup, sticks and gloves, the occasional helmet or skates during the season in the main concourse at Mellon.

This is the first official equipment sale that I've ever known...

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Yup, sticks and gloves, the occasional helmet or skates during the season in the main concourse at Mellon.

This is the first official equipment sale that I've ever known...

Last time I stopped to look over the gear they had cracked Eastwood Synergys for $100. I have heard that some people found useable stuff from time to time.

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I disagree, I've found everything there useable and reasonably priced... I bought a LeClair one-piece for $60, a couple of Vectors for $40-50...

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Sorry I misread... thought you said friends, but still I don't think I've ever seen sticks for more than $60-$80... Blackthidot can attest, we are there every game....

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If anyone's going, I'll take Francois Leroux and Billy Tibbetts.

I'm not sure Tibbetts can be exported out of the continental US.

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Moran's a duck now. Might as well pick up some sticks, you know they have plenty of goals left in them.

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