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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

2007 SyNergy SE Elite stick

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Where do you guys get these sticks before they are avaliable? Also what is this toy drive? Sorry I just don't know anything about this lol. I got my last stick on ebay (stealth '05 gaborik 100) Some insight would be appreciated.

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the toy drive was a special, well, toy drive, done through the Easton Hockey Messageboard on their web site. the deal was, send in $79 worth of new toys with receipt and Easton would send you the new SE in whatever (retail) specs you wanted. The contest ended December 8th, so don't worry about catching up, it's far too late.

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They'll have another one next year I think, just pay attention on the Easton message board on the Easton hockey website around the end of october I'd say.

I wish I knew in time as well, but there was no threads on it, and September was when I found this Site.

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you could try later this year, but Easton has been doing it every other year since i remember. '02 was a synthesis and 2 blades, '04 was the stealth, '06 is the SE, it's never a sure thing about when they do it/if the do it.

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So back on subject; how is this stick doing for the toy drive folks? I see very few up for sale so that must be a good sign right?

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So back on subject; how is this stick doing for the toy drive folks? I see very few up for sale so that must be a good sign right?

That's because it would heavily frowned upon, by the people at Easton.

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Easton specifically said to not sell the sticks for a profit form the toy drive. They said that if they found out they were sold, the user could not do it again and if enough people did it, they might not ever do the toy drive again.

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Hmmm funny thing they made a change..I received mine like a month ago and i have the end cap (like bauer do on their ops) and you have the end plug.

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Hmmm funny thing they made a change..I received mine like a month ago and i have the end cap (like bauer do on their ops) and you have the end plug.

Maybe just a coincidence, but I have a couple of Pro Stock Darby’s and they both have end plugs while my Pro Stock Styles have end caps.

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