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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S15 skates

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What do you guys state/Canada-side actually think of Easton skates period? A good mate of mine who owns the LHS near me beleives the boot isn't as durable as they make out and that their current holder is easy to break compared to others.

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I do know that most of the shops around here that carry Easton skates do tend to carry alot of replacement holders and steel. It's mostly Tuuks and Razor Bladz holders on the walls. That's just a visual though, they may have Eblades in the back.

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Can anyone please post a nice picture of this? All of the links have expired and I'm dying to see these and it looks like Heatley is back to 1500's..HELP thanks

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What do you guys state/Canada-side actually think of Easton skates period? A good mate of mine who owns the LHS near me beleives the boot isn't as durable as they make out and that their current holder is easy to break compared to others.

The boots on the eastons seem to hold up just as well if not better as other brands. They are not a 6-month throw-away like some other high ends. As for steel breakage, maybe one or two runners a year. Holder breakage, haven't seen any. I don't even stock the holders, no one has ever come in with a broken one.

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My 1500c's are extremely stable. Ive used them for ~6 months with some shots taken against them and they look great still. I would definantly reccomend them. Also, since they are carbon, they dont drastically lose stiffness like other skates.

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