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Sweat dripping on visor

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Hey guys, how do you deal with sweat getting on your visors? Any tips on reducing the amount of sweat getting on the visor?

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A skull cap keeps my hair from whipping around getting it on my visor.. but in the end, I couldn't find a good solution to it and went back to my cage. I sweat like a pig.

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Skull caps do work very well, something like the IceCap or the RBK cap, moisture wicking. Still if you are a big sweater, taking a towel to the bench and wiping well between shifts, is the best bet.

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I knew a couple people who cut a bandanna in half in wear it under their visor.That seemed to work. Try this first before u dish out the cash for the skullies

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I've seen some people cut a headband in half, then use velcro to attach it to the front part of thier helmet.

I myself have an UA skull cap that I couldn't play without, and I've since converted two other players to skating with them. As long as you're fine with the "MIKE JONES!!!" jokes, then everything is great.

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I had the same problem and I found a great solution. At least for me.

HALO Headband <http://www.haloheadband.com>

Check their site as the explanation is surely better than the one I can offer. It works by directing the sweat to the side of your face, away from your nose and mouth. In this way you don't splash the visor. At least no so much :-)

They also have a skull cap/bandana but with my big head I imagined that the helmet would not fit.

Disclaimer: I have no relationship with the company. Just a happy customer.

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I had the same problem and I found a great solution. At least for me.

HALO Headband <http://www.haloheadband.com>

Check their site as the explanation is surely better than the one I can offer. It works by directing the sweat to the side of your face, away from your nose and mouth. In this way you don't splash the visor. At least no so much :-)

They also have a skull cap/bandana but with my big head I imagined that the helmet would not fit.

Disclaimer: I have no relationship with the company. Just a happy customer.

Thank you!

Might try it.

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I had the same problem,, actually I wouldn't get sweat on my visor until a hit, that would jilt my helmet and then once I got sweat on it, it was game over, because it was sweat mixed w/ hair gel, a towel would just smear it.. so I just made my helmet tight enough that it stays put..

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The "icecap" version of the skull cap works the best for me. I hate to skate without it. If you don't want to use a skull cap you can always use the old motorcycle trick of sticking a women's pad to the inside of your helmet.

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I had the same problem,, actually I wouldn't get sweat on my visor until a hit, that would jilt my helmet and then once I got sweat on it, it was game over, because it was sweat mixed w/ hair gel, a towel would just smear it.. so I just made my helmet tight enough that it stays put..

Try washing your hair. ;)

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I use a goalie sweatband and a small strip of velcro inside the front of my helmet. Works great. It keeps the sweat away from the front of my face and all you have to do is wring it out between shifts. But that might be because I just sweat like a beast. Your results may vary

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I had the same problem,, actually I wouldn't get sweat on my visor until a hit, that would jilt my helmet and then once I got sweat on it, it was game over, because it was sweat mixed w/ hair gel, a towel would just smear it.. so I just made my helmet tight enough that it stays put..

Try washing your hair. ;)

I used to run into that problem a couple of times, but before you step onto the ice, just run to the tap where you fill your water bottles up or the sink and soak your hair and then dry it off quickly before you put your bucket on.

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I use one of those sweatgard things epuck sells.  Works great


I always wondered about this thing. It looked like a great idea. I guess you could always make your own with a quick trip to WalMart.

Just cut a sweatband and tape boom theres your "SwetGArd" right there but your probably paying 10 bucks for the sweatband anyway.... at least around here.

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I had the problem with those RBE visors but now im sporting a new short one from okaley and there is no sweat dripping down onto the visor.

You may give this a shot.

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