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Sales reps

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Hey, I was wondering if any of you know of any sales representative jobs are coming available or already are available for any of the major Hockey equipment companies. Thanks

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Okay what would be the wanted qualifications.

What if:

I have three years of sales experiance with a company that has an operating budget of 102 Billion a year. All three years I was at least 200% above sales quota. I have Professional Selling Training from the foremost leader in selling education. Achieve Global.

Doubt this is anything important that impresses anybody, and I am sure hockey knowledge is more important that sales expericance, but oh well. I actualy don't even want to sell hokcey Equipment. I am a big fan of buying it though.

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Then you'd be a fool to sell hockey equipment :)

It's an old boys' network anyway, for every opening there's 3 guys who worked in the business before who don't have jobs. They never hire anyone new anyway - if nobody is around it just goes round and round.

Here's a great one -

Opening for the CCM/RBK job in MI last year. This rep would have everyone except Perani's, me and Suburban. The subrep didn't want it, so a few guys throw their names in the hat. The Graf/Eagle rep ends up getting it. The CCM/RBK subrep takes Eagle and the Sher-Wood rep gets Graf. And the sad part is that the guy who was the most deserving of the position didn't get it.

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Hey, I was wondering if any of you know of any sales representative jobs are coming available or already are available for any of the major Hockey equipment companies. Thanks

Do you mean a hockey equipment manufacturer or a major retailer? If the latter, Hockey Giant is now hiring.

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Okay what would be the wanted qualifications.

What if:

I have three years of sales experiance with a company that has an operating budget of 102 Billion a year.  All three years I was at least 200% above sales quota.  I have Professional Selling Training from the foremost leader in selling education.  Achieve Global.

Doubt this is anything important that impresses anybody, and I am sure hockey knowledge is more important that sales expericance, but oh well.  I actualy don't even want to sell hokcey Equipment.  I am a big fan of buying it though.

Sounds like you were in a telemarketing or pyramid scheme job.. :blink:

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Now what did you work as? Just being part of a 102 billion industry doesn't mean a thing.

Not ragging on you or anything, but you couldn't have been less specific...

For the information you gave me, you could be part of a MacDonald's franchise.

"102 billion" = big, and MacDonald's = big.

"200% above sales quota" is good, but maybe more people began to like the Filet-O-Fish in your area.


just sayin...

don't take offense or anything, I'm just tell you that being a seller for 3 years in a big industry doesn't really mean much, unless you specify in what industry, at what position, etc.

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If you like hockey, just keep playing. This is not the industry to look for a career!!

Just like most jobs, its looks like fun on the outside but on the inside, its a whole other ballgame. Most younger guys wants to get rich quick, no matter what the industry. In hockey, you won't, quick or ever. The only problem is that in the future it will be hard to find good young guys willing to pay their dues in this industry to keep it going forward. This is more from the shop side of the business. As JR says, on the vendor side the wheel just keeps spinning around with the same faces in different places in every other year or so.

On a brighter note, there are sales rep positions open with Victoriaville sticks, Martinville sticks(see Sam Schneider), Canadien sticks, Micron skates, Daoust skates, Orbit skates, Rawlings protective, and Aero-Flex goal pads.

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Now what did you work as? Just being part of a 102 billion industry doesn't mean a thing.

Not ragging on you or anything, but you couldn't have been less specific...

For the information you gave me, you could be part of a MacDonald's franchise.

"102 billion" = big, and MacDonald's = big.

"200% above sales quota" is good, but maybe more people began to like the Filet-O-Fish in your area.


just sayin...

don't take offense or anything, I'm just tell you that being a seller for 3 years in a big industry doesn't really mean much, unless you specify in what industry, at what position, etc.

Actually, if you are a good salesman, you can sell anything, just like a good manager can manage anything. You don't have to be an expert in hockey equipment to sell hockey equipment, you do however have to be a good salesman.

BTW, I take offense to Aero-Flex being includes in that "list", they were certainly decades ahead of their time, the true inventor of box pads that now dominate the market. They actually have a cult following like you wouldn't believe, just like Lange. :D

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What are your qualifications?

As far as my qualifications go, I have been selling all hockey equipment for 6 years now along with being the goalie specialist to go along with the other equipment. Along with the sales I have been repairing equipment and also taking it apart to examine it and putting it back together. I have also been collecting and studing hockey equipment catalogs since I was 9. So I think I could I would enjoy and be very good at that type of position.

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Don't get offended, but I have higher qualifications than you do, and I've been passed over so many times for sales jobs it's not even funny.

I know better. The life of a rep isn't as glam as it may seem. There are plenty of guys on here who will agree with me. Unless you pick up a big line, which is hard in itself, there's going to be a lot of pavement pounding to get retailers to buy your smaller brands.

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On a brighter note, there are sales rep positions open with Victoriaville sticks, Martinville sticks(see Sam Schneider), >>>Canadien sticks<<<<, Micron skates, Daoust skates, Orbit skates, Rawlings protective, and Aero-Flex goal pads.

Canadien Sticks were the best. I have a couple lying around (probably made before i was born :lol: ) but i love them. Too bad they're too short for ice hockey :(

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Don't get offended, but I have higher qualifications than you do, and I've been passed over so many times for sales jobs it's not even funny.

I know better. The life of a rep isn't as glam as it may seem. There are plenty of guys on here who will agree with me. Unless you pick up a big line, which is hard in itself, there's going to be a lot of pavement pounding to get retailers to buy your smaller brands.

Being a sales rep sucks. I use to be one in another industry. That is one job I wouldn't take again, even if it was hockey equipment.

So hard to push smaller brands. I love it when a rep barges in the store right thru the "No Soliciting" sign and I calmly (my wife doesn't let me yell at them any more) throw them out while informing them that there is a $100 fine in our town for unlicenced soliciting. :D All they had to do was call and make an appointment, but noooo.

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On a brighter note, there are sales rep positions open with Victoriaville sticks, Martinville sticks(see Sam Schneider), Canadien sticks, Micron skates, Daoust skates, Orbit skates, Rawlings protective, and Aero-Flex goal pads.

Never thought a comment like this would make my weekend! Thank you! :D

I knew you'd be one of the few to truly appreciate it!!

BTW, jimmy, the Aero-Flex reference was a joke. Chill............

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I'm looking for like an internship in the Hockey market maybe in the Montréal region. I have to do an internship in order to get my diploma and it's always been a dream of mine to work in the hockey industry. My experience 3 years in Communications, 3 years in leisure studies, bilingual, 18 years of hockey experience. ;)

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Yeah I sent my resume and a cover to one company, I haven't heard from them yet. I might also go to teams and stuff, maybe in the Q, I study in Moncton so I might go see the Wildcats. It's a really nice experience though to be able to get on the market before getting my diploma in leisure studies. My brother lives in Montreal so I would stay there with him if I would get the opportunity to do my internship over there. Like next year for the first semester of my fourth and final year of my program I have to do my intership and I don't have to take any courses at all. On my second semester I only have my synthesis that means we reflect on our whole experience with the program. So I could really start working on my second semester cause I finished my bachelor but I just don't have my diploma. I am not really sure what exacly I will do after I get my diploma but I am a pretty adventurous person so you never know. Thx for the heads up JR, I think I will contact him.

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What are your qualifications?

As far as my qualifications go, I have been selling all hockey equipment for 6 years now along with being the goalie specialist to go along with the other equipment. Along with the sales I have been repairing equipment and also taking it apart to examine it and putting it back together. I have also been collecting and studing hockey equipment catalogs since I was 9. So I think I could I would enjoy and be very good at that type of position.

The easiest way is to get in with a smaller manufacturer, getting in with one of the big brands is virtually impossible without proving yourself to some degree in the hockey marketplace.

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a friend of mine was the ccm..then reebok rep for eastern Canada...he said it sucked....his quote was that he was always dealing with rich spoiled hockey players who wanted everything for free..now he is the reebok rep for everything except hockey (CFL, NFL, etc) for eastern Can. and U.S. and loves it... I guess it depends on what you are doing and who you are dealing with!!

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