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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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another ebay dummy?

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OK, that seemed funnier in my head than it does now that I see it in writing.... :(

LOL Ogie that happens to me all the time, i still thought it was funny tho.

as for the gum wrapper, if im gonna pay $300 for a gum wrapper there better be a piece of everlasting gum in it.

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Well, could Little Joey one day grow up to be a DeI 18, making outstanding drawings of hockey equipment?.... B)

Maybe... B) :lol:

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What was that? (Or should I ask). It's been removed from ebay.

Kinda smart in a way....pics via e-mail...he can seel the same item over and over and over again....how long til his EX is a FARK cliche???? (for those who read Fark.com).

Subtitle: "Who Will Buy My Child's Memories" (Ode to Willie Nelson). My GF's daughter made me a fridge magnet...what do you think it's worth?????

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Kinda smart in a way....pics via e-mail...he can seel the same item over and over and over again....how long til his EX is a FARK cliche????

Tonight only:

Mustard Man vs. Nutsack Squirrel vs. HaHa! Man vs. the Ex Girlfriend!!

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Oh also i found this:


Everything is true, until he says that he originally bought it for $100 . I remember buying one of those for $25. Either he got ripped off, or he is trying to make it look like a good stick.

$100 for a Ultra Carbon, yeah right.

Thats brings back memories of the guy selling an Octane for $110 becuase it was the "rare green color" :D

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These gloves are NYLON !?!?! for 150? now...i dont know much about prostock...maybe its just good to have these gloves...or a collectors item....but they look like the sh*ttiest gloves made by easton and for $150

and i know...this topic just keeps going and going and going.... :rolleyes:

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