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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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another ebay dummy?

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Does this one not seem a bit strange to anyone? This guy claims to be Matt Dias, who plays with Benoit Pouliot in Sudbury...isn't it a little weird that pouliot would give a pair of his used skates to a guy he plays with....and even more bizarre that a guy in the OHL says he would use a pair of someone elses used skates, but they're just too big...The best part of course is the concrete proof that these skates did belong to Pouliot, if you don't believe him go to the sudbury website and look for yourself. That really proves it you know...

Oh and that thing about the eyeball is quite disgusting.

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Right. Why we pay so much for sticks is because people are willing to pay the price that companies set. If every single person on the planet refused to pay more than $100 for a stick, Easton would never sell a single ST/SL/Stealth, thus being forced to drop the prices.

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Right. Why we pay so much for sticks is because people are willing to pay the price that companies set. If every single person on the planet refused to pay more than $140 for a stick, Easton would never sell a single ST/SL/Stealth, thus being forced to drop the prices.

Actually ST are only $135 ;)

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Right. Why we pay so much for sticks is because people are willing to pay the price that companies set. If every single person on the planet refused to pay more than $140 for a stick, Easton would never sell a single ST/SL/Stealth, thus being forced to drop the prices.

Actually ST are only $135 ;)

Okay, edited, made it a price I like better, heh.

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It's amazing- the pros are the only ones who can get a stick where the paint won't chip. Shame that the people who care about cosmetics can't get them. ;) Chip Resistant Stick

If that stick ever chips or scratches....I'd sue!

And where the hell does he come up with $35.99 to ship a hockey stick in the US?? WTF!!

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It's amazing- the pros are the only ones who can get a stick where the paint won't chip. Shame that the people who care about cosmetics can't get them. ;) Chip Resistant Stick

If that stick ever chips or scratches....I'd sue!

And where the hell does he come up with $35.99 to ship a hockey stick in the US?? WTF!!

From a place like Mail Boxes Etc. Those places charge you out the ass.

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