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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Nutty Buddy

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Whats the point of re-inventing something?

I wont buy it

The point is so that you keep your boys as safe as technology will provide. I don't know about you but if there's ever a piece of protective equipment where it is better to feel safe than sorry then it is in the old athletic support department. Your goody parts are an area you don't want to take chances with. Take it from someone who took a slap shot to the junk, Improvements in the comfort level during the active protection state would always be appreciated.

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I would buy one in a heartbeat.

I just upgraded my cup from my old 10 year old highschool one last tuesday.. What has happened to cups??!? The only "XL" one that I could find doesn't have ANY real estate inside for the boys. When I first put it on, I was wondering if I put it on upside down or something..


Even in XL, I honestly had a nut hanging out of each side.

Honestly, does anybody know of a good cup company who makes larger cups that wont intrude on my stride? I need to find one by this weekend or I will have to use my old cup.

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Whats the point of re-inventing something?

Every other piece of equipment in your bag has been reinvented. If someone has improved another product, why wouldn't they try to bring it to market?

Honestly, in your every day activities, what HASN'T been reinvented?

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Let me second the motion of keeping your boys as protected as possible. Every once and a while we get guys who come in to the ER with a ruptured testicle, and they are in some of the most unholy pain that you can imagine.

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Has any one else figured out how this sits inside your jock? Like I have an idea sort of, but it doesn't seem that comfortable.

I'll use medical terms here. I believe the "beans" go in the bulges on the sides, and the "frank" is positioned either upwards or downwards.

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Has any one else figured out how this sits inside your jock? Like I have an idea sort of, but it doesn't seem that comfortable.

I'll use medical terms here. I believe the "beans" go in the bulges on the sides, and the "frank" is positioned either upwards or downwards.

Thanks, man. Now you owe me a new keyboard. Somehow my pop spontaneously "jumped" out of my mouth. That is too funny for someone to not use it in a signature.

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Wait - THOSE are the medical terms?

I'll tell you - there is something not right about that video.

I was setting a screen in-front of the net last season, and took a real good, hard slapper from a little above the dot right to the seeds. I couldn't see straight for about a 1/2 hour, I had to crawl back to the bench, and once I got there, I threw-up all over the place. I was sore - and thus "out of order" for about a week - which is a long time when you're 17. It was a terrible experience.

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