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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ho fast can you shoot?

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I broke my goalies wedding ring and dented the plate in another guy's ankle, no idea on the actual speed though.

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I was clocked when I was 10, my 2nd year playing ice hockey, and I was clocked at 45 mph. I remember this because I won a competition with that shot. Wasn't even my stick either. It was one of those burgandy Nike shafts with a wood blade. If I had to take a guess with speed now (16 years old, 5'3 125 lbs), I'd probably say close to 80.

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Speed is nothing without control. (Hey that sounds like an advertising line for a tire company!)

Fortunately I can keep them low when required, or get them 3.9 feet high if necessary. Too bad it takes an eternity for me to get the shot off.

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how would you go about checking your slapshot speed?

likwe where do u put the radar gun, how far away, pointed wich way?

i have wanted to check mine, but im not sure how

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I knocked out a goalie with mine once. Ok, not nearly impressive as it might sound :lol: Took a slapshot when the goalie was screened, he looked around our guy to look for it, ended up getting to him before he could see it and hit him right in the cage. He wasn't prepared so his head jerked back and he cracked the back of his head against the crossbar

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I knocked out a goalie with mine once. Ok, not nearly impressive as it might sound :lol: Took a slapshot when the goalie was screened, he looked around our guy to look for it, ended up getting to him before he could see it and hit him right in the cage. He wasn't prepared so his head jerked back and he cracked the back of his head against the crossbar

Hardest I have ever hit a goalie durring a game a few weeks ago. I got him dead center in the cage (I was aiming for his legpads.. but I suck like that). He dropped to his kneepads after getting hit and about fell on his face. I was a house game and the guy was fairly new. I think it was probably his first time taking a slapshot to the face and he was just stunned a little.

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Don't they have a something called Powerpuck..it supposely clocks how fast your slapshot is..

I've broken a puck on the post...however it was really cold...another shot hit the knob of the goalie and the stick flew out of his hand...however it was his first time playing in nets...just a year ago one of my shots really flew and it got stuck in the netting..I couldn't tap it out, they had to use a screwdriver to unwedge the puck...love those composite sticks, eh?

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how would you go about checking your slapshot speed?

likwe where do u put the radar gun, how far away, pointed wich way?

i have wanted to check mine, but im not sure how

I lined mine up on a stool behind the net and set the puck at the top of the circles in the slot area. The radar gun I have is like a box and then the speed shows up on the display in front.

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I've been clocked a few times recently (on-ice therapy sessions) and haven't broken 86 mph. I've never been the guy with the howitzer, or ever really among the harder shooters on any team I've ever been on - but I've always had one of the better wristers or snap-shots. I just try to focus on getting the shot away quickly and hitting my spot. The only time I really ever wind-it-up is if I ever find myself with time either along the boards, but no don't have a pass or a skating lane, or if I find myself up-top on the PP - and even then it's usually just a little half-slapper that I just try to get through traffic and hope that one of the boys in-front gets a stick on it.

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Ho, fast gimme my money, shhhhhhiii....

Oh! "HOW" fast... I got you now. Well, in that case I've been clocked at 75 with a IDS roller puck... Put thats with blatant disregard for accuracy.

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11 years old my top was 42 mph

this last summer at age 15 my high was 86 mph

now Im 16, couple inches taller and ten lbs heavier, who knows what it is now.

you sure got a rocket.

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I'll betcha I can shoot a hockey puck over them mountains over there. :ph34r:

What mountains over where? Depending on where you are, that's either very impressive or physically impossible... ;)

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I'd say im in mid 70's consistently.

86 at 15? Give me a break. You're not shooting almost average NHL speed at 15. I dont care who you are.

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