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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One90 shaft

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Picked up a local fitness magazine that had a feature on Brendan Morrison. Saw he was sporting a One90 shaft with Easton blade.

Those gloves don't look like One90's to me, but it could just be the colours.



my brother got navy/silver one90 gloves exactly like that so they're definately one90s.

as for the shaft, it's probably the same as when he had his xxx lite shaft

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Picked up a local fitness magazine that had a feature on Brendan Morrison.  Saw he was sporting a One90 shaft with Easton blade.

Those gloves don't look like One90's to me, but it could just be the colours.



my brother got navy/silver one90 gloves exactly like that so they're definately one90s.

as for the shaft, it's probably the same as when he had his xxx lite shaft

Jason Smith had the same thing last year, just with a Mission blade. This year he uses a One90-painted shaft too.

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Could be retail or just cut.

One90's, XXX-Lites, and XXX's can't be cut because they are all true one pieces with monocomp technology.

Like you guys said, painted shaft is all.

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Could be retail or just cut.

One90's, XXX-Lites, and XXX's can't be cut because they are all true one pieces with monocomp technology.

Like you guys said, painted shaft is all.

No, it [a "monocomp" stick] can be cut... It takes a little more work than a fused OPS since it doesn't have a fuse point so you have to guess where to cut and work your way up.

But, with that said, I'm with the other guys saying that it's a painted shaft.

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I would like to see NBH make shafts again. I had a Vapor XV awahile ago and thought it performed quite well.

Agreed - I liked the XV shaft and would consider getting a XXX Lite/One90 shaft....please no more purple sticks though!

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