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Phil Kessel out indefinately with a non-hockey related

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You have to register to get in to the story, but here is what they know so far, pretty vague

Per boston.com

Kessel out indefinately

By Greg Lee, Globe Staff

The family of Boston Bruins star Phil Kessel released a statement today about his condition.

The statement.

Phil Kessel is being treated today for a medical issue not related to hockey.

At this time there is no further update on Phil's condition. When there is an update, and it is appropriate to do so, we will update everyone on Phil's health.

We kindly ask that you respect the Kessel family's privacy during this time

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Well we sure know what he did when he was in college last year. jk Pretty weird statement from the Bruins.

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Well I found this: Boston Rink Rats

The article says he has testicular cancer. No idea if its really true because ive never seen that site before.

I don't see any article that says that


They removed it apparently. It was just above the article stating that he was hospitalized. It was something along the lines of "A family friend of the Kessel's has informed Boston Rink Rats that Phil Kessel has testicular cancer."

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Rico Fata had testicular cancer. He is fine now though after an operation...

and some guy named Lance who rides a bike.

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Lance Bass?? Just Joking. Yeah, Armstrong is probably the best athlete who went thru that exact cancer. Tom Green, the canadian comedian also had testicular cancer and he talks alot about his treaments and so on.

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Testicular cancer is one of the most treatable cancers there is....of course it will be really sad if that is what he does indeed have but on the bright side, at least he'll most likely be ok.

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i hope kessel will come back, hes a great young player. all i can think of when i hear that statement from his family is jon lester. lester is cancer free now though so hopefully kessel will be ok.

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well, the Boston Herald has confirmed that he is at Massachusetts General Hospital, and in "Good Condition" according to an MGH spokesperson. I'm assuming if it were "mental" like people in the area have been speculating, I don't think he would be admitted to Mass General..... One local news source is confirming its testicular cancer...

CBS4 on Kessel

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Feel bad for him. I hate when stuff like that happens, hopefully he is gonna get better quickly after his treatment...

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Its scary that this stuff happens to people so young and in good shape. Just goes to show you it can happen to anybody. Remember once a month to...

Test your testes

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I wish him the best to get through this. I can't imagine the pain and scare that he's going through because I thought I was going to die from a little epididymitis.

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I wish him the best to get through this. I can't imagine the pain and scare that he's going through because I thought I was going to die from a little epididymitis.

That's painful! My buddy had that and another had vercocele (spelling?). Terrible.

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TSN was repoting that he practiced just did not take part in the drills with contact.

They were saying last week (when Toronto played Boston) that Kessel could be ready to play as soon as next Saturday (which I think would mean this coming week), although he may go to Providence in the "A" for a couple conditioning game first.

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