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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Boxing Day

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You've never heard about something you made a topic about? That somehow doesn't surprise me.

Boxing Day isn't Canada-specific and its purpose holds true just as much in the States as it would anywhere else.

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When I was a kid and I first heard about Boxing Day on CBC, I thought it was the day you boxed up all the gifts you didn't want and returned them... :D

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I'm considering grabbing a HDTV to play my 360 on since I have an older (but decent set). Then maybe a shirt or two if the malls aren't nuts.

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Every single employee at the A&F where I work is on the schedule for the 26th. I lucked-out and got the 12-5 shift.

...then again, I suppose it really doesn't matter when I work: retail always sucks this time of year.

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I just got a giftcard to the local skateboard shop, so I'm going to go pick up some clothes, and normally I would go to the better LHS around here but last year it wasn't even open.

:rolleyes: Hopefully get some new gloves for Xmas so I wont have to buy some, I'm running kinda low in money. :rolleyes:

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Always wondered what boxing day was and I still dont know could someone fill me in?

It was originally an English holiday where people who worked on the 25th(christmas) would get boxes of gifts on the 26th.

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