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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your Favorite Holiday Desert

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I got a sweater, a t-shirt and a cheapo deck for my car. not the greatest haul so far. :P

Ninamo bars, Date squares, short bread cookies. Shes all good.

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No matter what time of year it is, I'm going with cheesecake.

I'm down with this too!

Then there's always Black Russians (1 shot of vodka, 1-2 shots of Kahlua, ice to your pleasure).

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Homemade Butter tarts

Only in Canada? Pity

My daughter's homemade chocolate - FINALLY! The house smelled of it for the last few days, but I wasn't allowed to eat it and it was driving me insane with the want of it.

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My favorite has always been the Sahara, but recently the Erg Chebbi desert in Morocco has been winning a spot in my eye. I like the Erg Chebbi in a big big way.


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