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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Song Help

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k so i've had this song in my itunes forever and i don't know where i got it, it's just labelled as "Track 10". its a rap song and some lines are

"when the ice is out, it separate the men from the mice in the house"

and girl in the chorus goes "ooo boy i like your style, you know you drive me wild"

rapper sounds simialr to biggy but the lyrics arent creative enough. it's not really even a good song it just bugs me that i cant find it. i cant find it anywhere on google.

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might be off the topic, but do any of you guys have the verizon wireless service where you can hold up your phone to a song and it identifies it instantly? my friend has it and that thing works really good.

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  juiced said:

k so i've had this song in my itunes forever and i don't know where i got it, it's just labelled as "Track 10". its a rap song and some lines are

"when the ice is out, it separate the men from the mice in the house"

and girl in the chorus goes "ooo boy i like your style, you know you drive me wild"

rapper sounds simialr to biggy but the lyrics arent creative enough. it's not really even a good song it just bugs me that i cant find it. i cant find it anywhere on google.

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That shits annoying me now and I ain't even heard it!

If those are the exact lyrics then its probobly some unknown or something, damn I'm normally good with these kinda things... :(

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  Jason Harris said:

It's a line Dr. Evil used in the first Austin Powers movie, when he felt his cronies hadn't given him enough information.

Same thing with your song request. You've got to give us more info if you'd like us to help you. What style of music? Any lyrics? A particular beat?

As I said, "Throw us a frickin' bone here!"

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Ya I know I don"t have much info just wondering if anyone that was watching the game knew what song it was when the teams came out onto the ice.

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  Rylake said:
  lampliter87 said:

What is the name of the techno song playing in the very first opening blood club scene in the first Blade?

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Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix) - New Order


Good workout tune...

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Thanks man. I have it somewhere in some techno mash-up, just didn't know what it was called. Thanks!

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Ok was suntanning and heard a song come on.. heard it before always liked it.. need ARTIST and SONG NAME ;)

hear are some of the lyrics

"you turned your lemons into limelight"

"you're bitter, you're bitter - you're life went down the shitter"

please help ;) :D

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MissC...can't help you with the song, but I merged your topic with the exisitng "Song Help" topic.

Male or Female singer?

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Does anyone know the very dramatic orchestral piece (mainly strings) played immediatly before commercial breaks when they show the score during Sabres games on MSG? I think I heard it again last night right before they dropped the puck to start the second period in Pittsburgh. Thanks.

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i keep hearin this rap song on the radio here in texas. its supposedly called "love me" or "she gon love me"

it goes don dondon dooon....she gun loooove me.

don dondon don she gun looooooove me.....

i know its a long shot. anyone know it?

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IM sure someone whos a bigger fan than i will know, heard a System of a Down song, and it sounded like the chorus was serg saying "blahblahblah" real fast or something similar, and i dont feel like searching all their lyrics

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  Buzz_LightBeer said:

IM sure someone whos a bigger fan than i will know, heard a System of a Down song, and it sounded like the chorus was serg saying "blahblahblah" real fast or something similar, and i dont feel like searching all their lyrics

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Anything else you remember about the song?

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  lampliter87 said:

Does anyone know the very dramatic orchestral piece (mainly strings) played immediatly before commercial breaks when they show the score during Sabres games on MSG? I think I heard it again last night right before they dropped the puck to start the second period in Pittsburgh. Thanks.

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If I'm remembering it correctly I always thought it was part of "Rock You Like a Hurricane" by the Scorpions and the Berlin Philharmonic. I could be way off though.

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  lampliter87 said:

Does anyone know the very dramatic orchestral piece (mainly strings) played immediatly before commercial breaks when they show the score during Sabres games on MSG? I think I heard it again last night right before they dropped the puck to start the second period in Pittsburgh. Thanks.

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Camina Burana?


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