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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drum Solos!

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I don't know much about drums and music for that matter but I know Danny Carey is a great drummer, I like the beginning of ticks and leeches by tool. Thats a solo right :rolleyes:

And of course Moby Dick

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Hot For Teacher - Van Halen.

-With the double bass drum it sounds like popcorn popping.

That's exactly what they were shooting for. :rolleyes:

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Listen to some Buddy Rich or Gene Krupa. Those guys could kill a solo and make it look like it was a walk in the park. They had to play loud to be heard over their bands.

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not so much solos... but anything by Derek Kerswill (Seemless, ex-Shadows Fall)..I have the pleasure of watching him play regularly. Check out "Stepping Outside the Circle" by Shadows Fall... dude did the song in one take.

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Mike portnoy is good, but almost all drummers in that genre are. If we are talking about chops jazz drummers and metal drummers take the cake.

Neil Peart has a cool solo on the r30 dvd also.

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Mike portnoy is good, but almost all drummers in that genre are. If we are talking about chops jazz drummers and metal drummers take the cake.

Neil Peart has a cool solo on the r30 dvd also.

Not many guys can skip genres like he can though. Hell, his time changes in songs are amazing and spot on.

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Anything that Stuart Copeland did live, particularly on the Syncronicity tour.

He introduced the digital delay in drumming, and was the master of the off beat timing.

Listen to a live version of walking on the moon, fantastic.

Also Vinny Colaiuta is a great great drummer, as is carter beauford

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if you have never seen Rush then you are in for a big treat.

I've heard its quite the spectacle, plus i've seen footage of many concerts on youtube etc. They are incredible live, plus I'm a huge Rush fan so I'm sure I will enjoy it.

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if you have never seen Rush then you are in for a big treat.

I've heard its quite the spectacle, plus i've seen footage of many concerts on youtube etc. They are incredible live, plus I'm a huge Rush fan so I'm sure I will enjoy it.

You'll dig it I am sure of it!


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Cool thread. Have you drum fans ever heard of the Brazilian drumming group Olodum? It's very cool performance -- especially live. If you like African-like drumming with a Brazilian twist this should be up your alley.

Olodum (drumming only)


Olodum & Michael Jackson Video


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