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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Therma Blade

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Here is the website if you're not familiar with the concept: http://www.thermablade.com/

It's been a while since we talked about these so I figured I'd bring it up again because I recently participated in a Therma Blade survey. Based on the questions it seems they're preparing to take them mainstream as they were interested in knowing:

- Benefits most appealing to me

- Pricing

- If I was to try them out would it be as part of new skates, or as replacement blade & holders to my existing

- How far would I drive to see or buy them

- If I used them would I think I was cheating

- How important is it that NHL players use or endorse them

- Oh yeah, they also asked where I get my new equipment information. I said Mod of course!

Those are the questions that come to mind. I'm not an early adopter so I'll wait for fellow ModSquaders to give them a whirl.

What do you think?

Edit: Here is the link to the original conversation from two years ago:


My "What do you think?" is more about the commercial viability as we already chatted about the technology.

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4 friends of mine in Edmonton, Canada were involved in testing a heated skate blade last week called Thermablade. (About 30 players on the ice) They said it was fantastic to skate on.

Their turns, were significantly better coming out of their tight turns and off the line starts were noticeably better. Said they didn't feel faster at top speed but got up to speed quicker.

The company said that they are planning on launching sometime in October 2007.

They did a series of controlled drills and game situations. 3 of the 4 guys I knew said they would definitely buy them 1 friend wants to skate a couple of more times.

He said they were definitely smoother and easier to skate on but not sure of performance benenfits...turns maybe. The inventor Tory Weber said they would cost 399.00 cdn.

You can check out the website at www.thermablade.com

I have not skated on them yet but am going to go to the skate shop in Edmonton to and get in on the testing i will let you know

Apparently youtube has a 20 second video posted buy I I haven't found it yet. Not under Thermablade maybe skate blade?

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I just know that the manufacturers can't keep on trying to sell the intangible benefits of a lighter skate.

I think this is like golf clubs. If the performance benefits are real...and it appears that they are, then players will have to have them.

My friends that skated are commercial league (over 30) but play several times a week and played at a major junior level when they were younger.

They have no reason to BS and would only say that they would buy it if they felt it worked. They were genuinely impressed... they said they wished they would have had the opportunity to buy stocks in the company.

Lets face it if Gretzky supports it players will want it. Janet may have bet on the odd bad horse, but Wayne has been pretty clean in the product endorsement deals. Other than Ford has he pitched any bad products (LOL) .

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  helper said:

Lets face it if Gretzky supports it players will want it. Janet may have bet on the odd bad horse, but Wayne has been pretty clean in the product endorsement deals. Other than Ford has he pitched any bad products (LOL) .

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Yeah, I skated Ultra Wheels and rocked L.A. Gear sneakers. :huh:

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OK, they've got a CPU in the holders there...my first question is: how well are the electronics going to hold up for those of us who take a lot of pucks to the skates? They didn't say much, if anything, about how the electronics are protected.

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The Edmonton testing was insightful. The electronics failure rate was higher than the company wanted but not because of impact, it was a bad batch of electonics. They told the players that were testing that the electronics are all but bullet proof for the final production and they will have a full one year unconditional warranty on them.

Found the you tube link...it's a little weak but actually pretty impactful

A couple of strides difference for sure

Thermablade on You Tube

United Cycle and Pro Skate in Edmonton will have the product in the late fall

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Would a heated blade be detrimental on very soft ice? I'm just thinking of how much it feels like I sink into soft ice already. But, I don't know science very well or exactly how much the blade is actually heated. I can definitely understand the benefits on hard ice though.

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I talked to kenny at pro-skate in edmonton.

The blade heats to 6c but at the ice surface is actually just above freezing.

It works better on softer ice. The players that are currently testing the blades are saying to the stores that they are actually feeling more 'ontop' of the ice.

Smooth and easy is the comment that the majority of players are using. They can feel the edges of the blades significantly more because of the reduced vibration.

I registered for the Spartan testing program and I will have a pair installed next week for testing. The program was cut off a week or so ago but I got in through a friend of a freind.

I'm stoked. The industry is soooo ready for a blade change that actually makes a difference. Real 'technology meets tradition'...hmmmmm good tag line

I'll keep you posted

Anyone heard of Dartfish...they used it to illustrate the performance differences between hot and cold blades in testing and their video shoot last week. The Dartfish website is interesting

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It's a physics thing... I'm not sure I can explain it. The inventor does a good job though...

colder ice is harder but the heat synch is also greater because the ice is colder, or in other words it draws more heat from the blade than softer or warmer ice.

The way the inventor Tory Weber explains it is that although the blade is 6c the temperature of the blade at ice surface contact is just above freezing. Really cold ice could be -7c for example and warm ice could be -3.5c. The blade temperature at ice contact is perhaps 0.2c on cold hard ice and 0.6 on warmer softer ice. The difference that makes at ice contact is quite minimal. The blade is not so warm that you go into the ice...it's about reducing friction directly at the ice surface. The layer of water between the ice surface and the blade gets slightly thicker, but it is almost at a molecular level. It's the slightly thicker layer of water that reduces the friction, and that layer of water is greater on warm ice.

Reduced friction mean reduced effort, less vibration, better edge feel so more control and several physiological and performance benefits

whew...does that make sense?

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You do seem to be pimping them pretty hard.

Want reduced friction? Change your ROH.

But like I've said, I've read up on this product. My previous post was a statement, not a question.

That being said, I'm dismissing it as a gimmick until I try it.

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I'm skating on them next week Tuesday Wednesday

Assuming there is some interest I'll post my experience on them.

Other testers have liked them, does not seem to be a huge

WOW factor but most have liked them a lot

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  JR Boucicaut said:

You do seem to be pimping them pretty hard.

Want reduced friction? Change your ROH.

But like I've said, I've read up on this product. My previous post was a statement, not a question.

That being said, I'm dismissing it as a gimmick until I try it.

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JR I have a pair waiting to be installed I will let you know what they really are like!

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At that price, they are destined to fail.... The holder is the one piece of gear guys HATE to change more than any other and they want a fortune for their holder pre-installation.

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Both Edmonton stores that will be selling it are quoting 399.00 installed and sharpened.

I paid 600.00 for a Taylor Made driver...I do hit it further...into the bush

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I'm no bobsledding expert but I can vaguely remember a couple of scandals and a rule that prohibits them from heating their runners due to the edge it could give a team. But that's a sport that a fraction of a second can be the difference between placing and going home empty handed.

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  helper said:

Both Edmonton stores that will be selling it are quoting 399.00 installed and sharpened.

I paid 600.00 for a Taylor Made driver...I do hit it further...into the bush

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for that kind of money they better had better do all the work for me as well. Can't see many people paying that much oney for a product that might not make much of a difference to their game

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I knew I hadn't completely fried my brain on beer here is a rule fro the olympic park site.

A team is automatically disqualified if one or more competitors fail to cross the finish line with the sled. Heating the sled runners is prohibited, as the heat melts ice on the track and makes the sled travel faster. Officials test the runner temperature before each run.

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It's banned in Speed Skating as well. They also site unfair competition rules.

The physics obviously work to create a competitive advantage or the Olympic Committee wouldn't have gotten involved and prohibited heated blades on an ice surface.

No one has ever heated a skate blade. I'm stoked about my game Tuesday night on a pair of the prototypes.

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Even if this does work. When is enough enough when it comes to technology and the sport of ice hockey. Why not preserve some of the skill and effort to make the game more competitive and challenging. Hell we all might as well all get these (if they work) along with some Berry Bonds gel and call it a day. Oh ya, make the goals bigger while your at it.

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