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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Therma Blade

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So did you pay more for the thermablades or the Graf's?

I paid 132.00 for the Graf's with an additional 15 bucks shipping.

EBay Grafs

They had been used 3 times by a guy who taught his brother in law to skate and then got a job transfer to Florida and gave up skating. nice deal.( insert wicked understatement here)

The ThermaBlades are on loan for testing from my LHS. They pulled off the Cobra's and installed these....free. This is why yoou establish a good rapport with your LHS. :D I'll try to find time to write some comments tommorow. Rigght now I gotta go heat up the Mrs.

But in answer to your question, my all in cost on these is $147.00 now. Should I opt to buy the "heaters", It'll be whatever the Thermablades cost plus 147.00

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great review, so far it is the best one I've read on theses. Unfortunately it still has a personal bias (no offense) because of the physcological effect of knowing you were wearing them.

I know it would be a pain...but is there any chance of getting the same skate with the stock holders, same hollow, profile, etc. and masking off the holders so you can't tell which is which, skating the same drills and doing a double blind test by switching skates multiple times...LOL

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great review, so far it is the best one I've read on theses. Unfortunately it still has a personal bias (no offense) because of the physcological effect of knowing you were wearing them.

I know it would be a pain...but is there any chance of getting the same skate with the stock holders, same hollow, profile, etc. and masking off the holders so you can't tell which is which, skating the same drills and doing a double blind test by switching skates multiple times...LOL

Yeah, the ideal testing would be a double blind analysis. I can't really say how much of what I felt was the different holder, the different metal or the different heat.

I have all sorts of ideas for a humorous review of these. For instance, everytime I stopped by the northwest hashmarks, the Zamboni door closed. I sliced my finger sliding it across the blade, but the heat was so beneficial that the wound completely cauterized itself. If I wear tin foil on my helmet and stick my Ipod earbuds in, I can tune in the Atlanta Thrashers on the radio. I can now carve deli thin pastrami in between shifts. I'm so fast now that the sound of my stops doesn't synch up anymore with my actual stops. It's like watching one of those Japanese monster movies. If I get any faster, I'll have to bench myself when we have the lead because the time space continuum will reverse and our score could go down.

Now I'm not saying these things Thermablades are high level technology, but Two guys in a black Ford Taurus with Roswell New Mexico plates keep showing up in my rear view mirror and there's a black helicopter over my house now. I keep seeing red laser dots out back in the woods and my dog came in with a wet copy of Pravda in his mouth. Hopefully, I'll be back tommorow to cont278ry2o l35btwlrubg

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great review, so far it is the best one I've read on theses.


Listen, Mr. Glib. If you've got something to say then either say it or don't. These drive-by one word shots are way too vague.

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I think it's spelled out pretty clearly. A sarcastic 'surprise' that you--of all people--wrote the most glowing review of thermablades yet. I'm pretty sure everyone else got it.

And I'll reiterate everything again, because you seem to be dense on the uptake. The idea was good in thought... bad in practicality. The company is making outlandish claims. Science trumps 'impression' when it comes to claims. If spending $400 makes you think you skate better, then great, spend it. That doesn't mean you actually are.

Clear enough?

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I think it's spelled out pretty clearly. A sarcastic 'surprise' that you--of all people--wrote the most glowing review of thermablades yet. I'm pretty sure everyone else got it.

And I'll reiterate everything again, because you seem to be dense on the uptake. The idea was good in thought... bad in practicality. The company is making outlandish claims. Science trumps 'impression' when it comes to claims. If spending $400 makes you think you skate better, then great, spend it. That doesn't mean you actually are.

Clear enough?

Glowing? Are you on drugs? I ruled them out for 85% of the population right from the get go, you knuckle dragging mongoloid. Sounds to me like you have an issue with these blades for some reason and now you have an issue with me because I didn't completely trash them.

You live in an uninformed dreamworld if you think science is the only factor in choosing hockey equipment. Maybe it is for mooks and stumble bums who have no clue what they want or how to use it, but that's your issue, not mine.

And believe me, pal, your self esteem problem with the price is not my problem. If I say they make me skate better....its because they make me skate better. I got them free for testing because the owner values my opinion and knew I'd ive him the straight story. I'll skate them and then they are going back in 2 weeks. I'm not into the latest stuff anyway. My impression was offered here as an opinion because I can't tell people what will work for them. But I damn sure am qualified to know what works for me and listening to you tell me that I only "think" I felt a difference because I spent $400 takes the cake. Who the f*ck are you, the equipment fairy? I guess It really doesn't matter, because I don't care if your the love child of Don Cherry and Todd Bertuzzi, your opinion about skating or hockey means less than nothing to me. I've offered my impression about the blades, period. No one has to take my word for any of it. If you don't like it, then fine. Don't try them and don't buy them. But since you have not tried them and have exhibited no evidence that you'd know anything about skating anyway, then maybe you should stick to hiding your money issues behind your "proof" thing. I'm going to play your one word style back on you for awhile bud...


jeez...happy christmas to you too bud....

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AHAHHA he's sexually frustrated. poor guy.

And yes, I think your review was rather glowing. Read it again, it was pretty partial, though you probably tried not to be.

At any rate, you keep saying "opinion" when refering to what I've got to say. Yes, the Laws of Thermodynamics are opinion. You know, I think thermablades has a perpetual motion machine they're trying to sell.

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I think it's spelled out pretty clearly. A sarcastic 'surprise' that you--of all people--wrote the most glowing review of thermablades yet. I'm pretty sure everyone else got it.

And I'll reiterate everything again, because you seem to be dense on the uptake. The idea was good in thought... bad in practicality. The company is making outlandish claims. Science trumps 'impression' when it comes to claims. If spending $400 makes you think you skate better, then great, spend it. That doesn't mean you actually are.

Clear enough?

Glowing? Are you on drugs? I ruled them out for 85% of the population right from the get go, you knuckle dragging mongoloid. Sounds to me like you have an issue with these blades for some reason and now you have an issue with me because I didn't completely trash them.

You live in an uninformed dreamworld if you think science is the only factor in choosing hockey equipment. Maybe it is for mooks and stumble bums who have no clue what they want or how to use it, but that's your issue, not mine.

And believe me, pal, your self esteem problem with the price is not my problem. If I say they make me skate better....its because they make me skate better. I got them free for testing because the owner values my opinion and knew I'd ive him the straight story. I'll skate them and then they are going back in 2 weeks. I'm not into the latest stuff anyway. My impression was offered here as an opinion because I can't tell people what will work for them. But I damn sure am qualified to know what works for me and listening to you tell me that I only "think" I felt a difference because I spent $400 takes the cake. Who the f*ck are you, the equipment fairy? I guess It really doesn't matter, because I don't care if your the love child of Don Cherry and Todd Bertuzzi, your opinion about skating or hockey means less than nothing to me. I've offered my impression about the blades, period. No one has to take my word for any of it. If you don't like it, then fine. Don't try them and don't buy them. But since you have not tried them and have exhibited no evidence that you'd know anything about skating anyway, then maybe you should stick to hiding your money issues behind your "proof" thing. I'm going to play your one word style back on you for awhile bud...


Ok, I'm not clear on one piece of your posts... Did you call him a "polesmoker" or did you sign it "Polesmoker"?

Just looking for clearification.

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Guys, can you just whip them out and measure them so we can move on? Post productively or stay out of the discussion.

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Whipping them out has nothing to do with it. Using the product and giving an opinion does. For the moment, only one person here meets that standard. Everyone else just has an opinion and it's not based on having used the product. Until you have tried the product, whether its Thermablades or a OPS(since there are some guys here who refuse to try a OPS also based on price alone for not using it), its only fair to judge the product after you have actually used it. Like he said, you may or may not feel a difference. The product, whatever it is, may or may not help your game. Sometimes it's not the tools, it's the carpenter.

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Guys, can you just whip them out and measure them so we can move on? Post productively or stay out of the discussion.

Sorry. Won't make that mistake again.

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Using the product and giving an opinion does.

You don't have to use the product to be qualified to discuss their claims based on physical principles. But hey, just because we're on a hockey website thats full of mentally challenged people means we're all amateur physicists, right?

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But hey, just because we're on a hockey website thats full of mentally challenged people means we're all amateur physicists, right?

Do you mean ALL of us? I thought I was the only one!

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