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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Therma Blade

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Does that count Canadian citizens or just, you know, people living there?

'cause if we're counting people, you know, just living there, soccer is # 1 in the US.

Back on topic: find those mystery skaters, dammit! Bring them to justice! We got some questions for those boys.

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That reminds me of when I'd have soccer games in Nashville and be one of three guys who were white and/or spoke English. Also better level of play I'd seen since college.

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I'm just of the mind that it should be inherently illegal to use a battery or something mechanical in order to increase performance. All the other technological advances in the sport still rely on the player to capitalize upon them, with Therma Blade there's no onus on the player to utilize the technology. Thankfully it seems as though Therma Blade has priced themselves to fail.

It's sad though that the NHL has turned hockey into a production or "show" and it's motives are entirely profit based.

I might add that about half of hockey players cannot even tighten a blade (even the ones with external hardware), so changing a battery will really be complex for them.

that's what the guys in my LHS are for :D

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reasoner is wearing them, maybe ill keep checking back at totem outfitters to see if his pro stock skates go on sale there, could get a steal on some thermas!! haha

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according to jr there is a pair in the mail for me, so ill beable to give you guys a review type thing of more than one skate on them to see if they get any better or what not. ill post if they show up

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Yeah just heard that Marty Reasoner is wering the Therma Blade, guess I got beat to it. STILL sounds like it's creating a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

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JR- I think I mentioned it in the "What new invention will fail first" thread.

I can't imagine getting used to it then have the left skate battery die on you. Just having one skate get dull on me makes me fall on my face.

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Taking a test drive on these soon. The shop received a pair this week and I dropped off a pair of sacrificial boots to bolt them onto.

Should be interesting.

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What was your impression after skating on the blades?

I'm waiting to try them before I formulate an opinion. That seems to work best for me.

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I don't think I going to get them but I have to admit they looked pretty sick when I saw them this week. They reminded me of the LS2 Power holder since they are see through and light weight. I think they would be good blade holders without the heat part.

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I don't think I going to get them but I have to admit they looked pretty sick when I saw them this week. They reminded me of the LS2 Power holder since they are see through and light weight. I think they would be good blade holders without the heat part.

The clear one is the non-working display model. :rolleyes:

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I don't think I going to get them but I have to admit they looked pretty sick when I saw them this week. They reminded me of the LS2 Power holder since they are see through and light weight. I think they would be good blade holders without the heat part.

The clear one is the non-working display model. :rolleyes:

Oh is it just going to be white then?

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