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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Therma Blade

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  Monty22 said:

I wonder how many pairs they sold....

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"McCoubrey said Therma Blade has sold 2,500 pairs of blades to Canadian and U.S. stores. He also said the company would try to persuade other NHLers to test the blades." Who knows how many the stores actually sold

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the thing that i find stupid is that they did not introduce all the junior sizes. if its anyone whos going to spend $400 on the holders, its the crazy hockey dad of a novice AAA kid wearing vapor xxxxs that thinks heated blades will make the kid better.

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I got an email from the local rep and they raise a good point, regardless of your feelings about the product. The NHLPA was only supposed to review them for safety and impact to the ice. Are they going to evaluate every product and it's value at retail from this point forward? I would think that they would have had more to say about the $200+ bubble wand (credit to JR for that).

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I have been questioning them since day one, I just think they have a right to be upset about the way the NHLPA is handling this. I'm willing to bet that a nice "donation" to the PA would resolve any problems that they have.

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I received the same email as Chadd. The points have validity about whether the NHLPA is a product approval association or not. The TB is a high maintenance product with re-charging and battery status. A lot of skates coming through my shop for sharpening get little or no maintenance from their owners. Most kids will hardly even buy new laces for state playoffs. There are many different factors to this product that most players will never think of.

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That picture is from his team getting hosed by the refs late in the 3rd period Monday night in Dallas. It still amazes me that he is coaching.

As for TBs, I put my LS2s back on and ..............

Still conducting research.

As Colonel Klink would say, "Very Interesting."

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  DarkStar50 said:

That picture is from his team getting hosed by the refs late in the 3rd period Monday night in Dallas. It still amazes me that he is coaching.

As for TBs, I put my LS2s back on and ..............

Still conducting research.

As Colonel Klink would say, "Very Interesting."

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I haven't seen Hogan's Heroes reruns in years...

Anyway, any sneak preview of your findings, or are you waiting for the final culmination to reveal all?

And I love watching Gretz coach. You can read his lips say "Fuck me" so easily and he gets pissed often.

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  TheBert said:

Hahaha. Thought bubble coming out of Gretzky's mouth? There's got to be a joke in there somewhere.

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I was going to try to find the right bubble but meh... The 45 seconds I spent on the pic was 40 seconds too much.

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Brain freeze: it was Artie Johnson from Laugh-In. "Very Interesting." Klink was "Hogan!! Hogan!!" Right country, wrong character.

My research is a work in progress. No reason to jump to conclusions, like Kris Draper! :lol:

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  DarkStar50 said:

Brain freeze: it was Artie Johnson from Laugh-In. "Very Interesting." Klink was "Hogan!! Hogan!!" Right country, wrong character.

My research is a work in progress. No reason to jump to conclusions, like Kris Draper! :lol:

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it was "very interesting...but not funny"...man some of us are showing our age...but talk about a great T.V. show

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Artie's German soldier character, hiding in the bushes, waiting to deliver the trademark line, "Very interesting...but 'whatever' ".

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Aren't products usually tested before they go on sale? I feel bad for people who have already shelled out $400 for this. It seems like the testing is far from sufficient so far.

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