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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My team, it appears is actually doing this for us... We get to choose the pattern and they are buying us three sticks each, in team colors.

I think that NBH might make alot of money from things like this.

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My team, it appears is actually doing this for us... We get to choose the pattern and they are buying us three sticks each, in team colors.

I think that NBH might make alot of money from things like this.

Wow thats going to cost your team alot of money.. Wish my team would do something like that

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My team, it appears is actually doing this for us... We get to choose the pattern and they are buying us three sticks each, in team colors.

I think that NBH might make alot of money from things like this.


We are attempting to convince the bar that sponsers our bar league team to do this too...but Its not going over that well :lol:

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does anyone know if this program will be offered in any stores on vancouver island... i was also wondering which Nike Bauer curve is most like retail iggy/modano

P12 is the NB Iginla Clone.

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does anyone know if this program will be offered in any stores on vancouver island

no, only 2 in british columbia.. the hockey shop and cyclone taylors

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I saw it at Cyclone Taylor and thought it was a nice set up and very flashy, but that was it. A nice gimmick. I feel for you moms and dads that have to shell out for these.

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does anyone know if this program will be offered in any stores on vancouver island

no, only 2 in british columbia.. the hockey shop and cyclone taylors

Guess i might have to wait for a roadie during the season to see if its really worth the 300

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thanks a bunch do you know what the lie is on the p14?

I remember seeing that one or two of the patterns was a 7. I think it might have been the P12. It's nice that they have the lies indicated on the demo blades.

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Saw the station at Great Skate today. I have to say, it was very impressive. The curve selection is awesome, some of them are sick. Too bad its soooo expensive.

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So is the p14 the Pro Hossa like this:http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Vapor-XXX-Lite-Hossa-Pro-Return-Left-2-Pack_W0QQitemZ160138129500QQihZ006QQcategoryZ79775QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting

no, p14 has a bit more curve

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I saw it at Cyclone Taylor and thought it was a nice set up and very flashy, but that was it. A nice gimmick. I feel for you moms and dads that have to shell out for these.

What? I never know they were the first line dealer!

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Anybody know if there is going to be a retailer list? I'm having trouble finding xxx lites in p106 right. It would be nice to know where I could go to order a few customs.

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Anybody know if there is going to be a retailer list? I'm having trouble finding xxx lites in p106 right. It would be nice to know where I could go to order a few customs.

i'd say just go on nikebauer.com and click dealer search and call and ask any that would be close enough to go to.

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maybe when the site gets goin which could be be never... but on a serious note.. i doubt it until it comes out (unless its out right now and i have no clue what im talkin about)

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