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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The end of my hockey/social life for a while

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Congrats CC87. Sorry, we had a baby girl. Monday actually. No hockey for her and your son. Guess that Super Y-Chromosome was too much to produce any more boys for me. :D

What a blessing for you. Life is amazing in these ways.

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Haha! J.R., you're the man. I might just do that. God bless our diversity in light of the morons that still seem to saturate our complicated universe. Watch our for a couple of girls playing hockey at the Olympic level named Mallory and Taylor. :)

CC87, I know you're young. Please take in every moment as it won't be long when you say you wish you would have. Trust me, bro. I' ve played American football at nearly the highest levels just within reach of the NFL. National Championships won't hold a candle to what you have now.

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Congrats CC87. Sorry, we had a baby girl. Monday actually. No hockey for her and your son. Guess that Super Y-Chromosome was too much to produce any more boys for me. :D

What a blessing for you. Life is amazing in these ways.

you might be wise to get her into hockey... much greater chance at getting a scholarship for her, then a male counterpart!

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Watch our for a couple of girls playing hockey at the Olympic level named Mallory and Taylor. :)

Does your wife know about these plans of yours? When my girlfriend starts talking about our future (you know, the "M" word and kids), I just tell her that I am turning at least one of my kids into a goalie so I'll always have someone to shoot on. She usually gets all offended and says something to the effect of "you're not turning our kids into anything!"

The other day when we had this type of exchange, I just looked at her and said "Whoa! Who said anything about our kids? I'm not having kids with you: you have weak ankles." Then I went on to tell her that an ex-girlfriend that she absolutely hates - a hockey player who I am still very good friends with; and she hates my girlfriend almost as much as my girlfriend hates her - have already discussed it and have decided that we are going to mate, seeing as how we would make some pretty good hockey players together.

Yeah - I got punched.

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Some from column A, some from column B. Realistically I think they'll be girly girlish to the point where I'd actually want them to play, but they're bred for soccer.

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pfft. As if there were any real say-so in any of this! LOL My kid was born on a farm and on a horse before she could walk. I was set - problem was, when she started talking what she said was "I want to play hockey"

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I'll make them oblivious to it. They'll be going to hippie schools anyway without team sports and when I'm taking their brother to hockey I'll say it's retard camp or something and that's why he needs all this gear.

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hate to bring up oprah here...


After testing her baby language theory on more than 1,000 infants around the world, Priscilla says there are five words that all babies 0–3 months old say—regardless of race and culture:

Neh="I'm hungry"

Owh="I'm sleepy"

Heh="I'm experiencing discomfort"

Eair="I have lower gas"

Eh="I need to burp"

Those "words" are actually sound reflexes, Priscilla says. "Babies all around the world have the same reflexes, and they therefore make the same sounds," she says. If parents don't respond to those reflexes, Priscilla says the baby will eventually stop using them.

Priscilla recommends that parents listen for those words in a baby's pre-cry before they start crying hysterically. She says there is no one sound that's harder to hear than others because it varies by individual. She also says some babies use some words more than others.

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How do you unteach a word to a baby? There's uh, one word that mine learned that I'm really not keen on her saying in front of the mum. I don't think she's said it yet because I haven't been served papers yet.

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You're screwed. Blame it on your brother.

Ignore it... any attention just escalates the usage because, ahh, they WANT your attention. They love to get a hot word that gets everyone's attention because it's so much fun.

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I try to ignore it but I know there's a visible cringe when I hear it. The good thing is no one can really pinpoint it to me because my family is sadly sailor-ish.

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I try to ignore it but I know there's a visible cringe when I hear it. The good thing is no one can really pinpoint it to me because my family is sadly sailor-ish.

You mean "Eire"-ish :P

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This is true, I can't wait for her to learn the true power of her dark side. Then the other side of her family will be jealous and try to teach her their ways of chewing, putting lift kits on trucks and watching NASCAR.

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Welcome to Fatherhood!

Support and help Mama! It takes much more out of her than you. Be sure to give her some time for herself and she will more than likely real moody for a while-(Post Partum Depression)

Be the best "Daddy" you can!!

Anybody can be a "Father"

But it takes something special to be a "Daddy"

Congrats CC87!

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after being extremley bored at work today, i was digging through old topics and came across this one, and figured i would give you guys an update on landon. you guys thought he was beefy when he was born, your not gonna believe how big he is now, not even 6 months old, and hes already 24 lbs, and 29 inches. looks like ive got the next chara as my boy, gotta get him some skates pretty soon!

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