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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone catch the collision between Knuble and Shanahan? They wheeled Shanny off the ice and Knuble has to be helped off by a couple guys.

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I saw that as well, completely accidental in my opinion they both weren't aware the other was crossing their path. They said Knuble's eye was swollen shut, and Shanahan, you just gotta pray for the best. He lay dead still for a while.

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I really should learn how to pay attention. I just turned the game on, looks like things could get scrappy towards the end. Ward and Picard was a beauty.

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I really should learn how to pay attention. I just turned the game on, looks like things could get scrappy towards the end. Ward and Picard was a beauty.

Funny to hear the Flyers announcers giving love to Avery all game long.

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sweet goal by cullen at the end btw

im betting shanny just has a concussion - but knuble and him were both out of it after running into eachother - better safe than sorry, so i cant blame them for bringing out the stretcher and being cautious

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Disgusting collision. Totally accidental. The referees and staff were quick to call the stretcher out.

But besides from that, this game was one of the best I've seen in a long time.

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no, they tied together his arms and legs so he would lie absolutly still on the stretcher.. If one has an neck injury it's very important that you secures his/her neck and make sure that the person cannot move at all..

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they just reported during the B's/Sabres game that the X-Rays, and CT scans on Shanny look good, and they're keeping him overnight for observation. They report he's alert and responsive, and moving all extremities.

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its also one less thing the paramedics have to do (hold his hands from falling off the stretcher) little embarassing when arms hang off the cot ( or smack doors)

Oh, like they dropped Modano after getting knocked out by Messier back in the day?

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its also one less thing the paramedics have to do (hold his hands from falling off the stretcher) little embarassing when arms hang off the cot ( or smack doors)

Oh, like they dropped Modano after getting knocked out by Messier back in the day?

Awful at the time...but damn...funny to see replays of it now (knowing that he suffered no long term injury).

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no, they tied together his arms and legs so he would lie absolutly still on the stretcher.. If one has an neck injury it's very important that you secures his/her neck and make sure that the person cannot move at all..

They said he didn't have the strength to lift his arms and hold them on the stretcher on his own.

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Latest has Shanny negative on all tests...which is a real good thing seeing how his head whipped back and smacked against the ice as violently as it did.

The news on Knuble is not as good...broken orbital bone.

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...And cheekbone. Scheduled to go into surgery in a few days, once the swelling goes down. No timetable for his return according to ESPN.

More bad news for the Flyers.

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It was absolutely brutal to watch and the first time during a game that I actually chocked up and was scared for a players life. He was dead still for about 2 minutes and had to be carried off w/ a stretcher.

i'm with you there. i was speachless at how aful that was.

other sidenote from that game, there should be a rule against people stepping in to fights like happened with holle & pitkanen. don't step in between them & get into a fight if you're wearing a half shield. ward had to get stitches to his hand after that. it's just bad form. like not hitting a guy when he's already down.

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