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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Sunflower seeds

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Picked up a bag of Spitz Dill Pickle and they're quite tasty. I know they're a Canadian brand and this is the first time I've seen them here in the US. Normally I'm a David's man but these Spitz aren't bad.

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Picked up a bag of Spitz Dill Pickle and they're quite tasty. I know they're a Canadian brand and this is the first time I've seen them here in the US. Normally I'm a David's man but these Spitz aren't bad.

I grabbed a bag of these LAST NIGHT, they're fantastic...

I go though them all..... BBQ, Nacho Cheese, plain, Jalapeno Salsa, Ranch (they gave me a sour stomach while I was playing, bleh)...

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Ever have Jim Beam? Those are pretty good.

I just hit 7-11 and they didn't have them... booo. So I grabbed 2 more bags of dill pickle Spitz for tonight, and hockey this week. The wife thinks the cup full of shells is disgusting, I said "Would you rather I dip?!" she's not complaining about my shells anymore. haha

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Ever have Jim Beam? Those are pretty good.

No sunflower seeds right now...got that Skoal Mint right now :P

i use to hate mint but now it just seems more plain and normal than the rest or the flavors (cherry/peach/berry) those flavors seem to get old after awhile

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Cup? Too good for the ground? Elitist.

well I'm in my living room...wall to wall carpet. haha... if the floors were still hardwood, sure! At the rink or softball field... forget it, they're all over the place.

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Cup? Too good for the ground? Elitist.

well I'm in my living room...wall to wall carpet. haha... if the floors were still hardwood, sure! At the rink or softball field... forget it, they're all over the place.

I've heard of seeds during softball but never during hockey. I'd be too damn winded to do seeds on the ice.

Any love for David's Hot Salsa?

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