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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone see this movie yet? Saw it tonight, thought it was visually spectacular and fun to watch. Story was pretty good but I already knew the history of the battle so I just wanted to see the eye-candy violence.

The only complaint I have about this movie is the fact that it totally took my masculinity away. The fact that I just saw jacked up men with 8 pack abs going apeshit and monster killing a shit load of people totally puts me playing hockey to shame.

All jokes aside, it was a good movie.

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It took away your masculinity? If anything, it boosted mine. As the movie ended, I simply turned to my friend, and the only words that came out of my mouth were, "For some reason, I have the strangest urge to do a shitload of push-ups right now." But seeing it in IMAX was quite the experience.

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It's thin, there's no way around it, but it's visually awesome and the action doesn't leave anyone bored. Plus the queen is stone cold deadly.

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I thought it was pretty good.

Visuals are amazing and it made me really want to work out..

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yeah, fun to watch. but the nudity wasn't really necessary. since everyone has the same opinions more or less on this movie, did anyone see zodiac. i felt it was slow and lacked suspense.

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I really want to see 300. I keep hearing around school "This is SPARTA". or something.

As for Zodiac, we left midway through it. after about an hour and a half of nothing we left.

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I haven't seen the movie, but the Battle of Thermopylae had more than 300 Spartans, with their allies they were close to 4000 soldiers. I am guessing the movie overlooks that...

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I haven't seen the movie, but the Battle of Thermopylae had more than 300 Spartans, with their allies they were close to 4000 soldiers. I am guessing the movie overlooks that...

Where would the storyline be in that though???? Way more cinematic to represent 300 vs the whole civilized world. Besides, what would the title have been, "2250 greeks, 200 Phoenecians, 1000 miscellaneous slaves and 300 Spartans"???? :D

The real battle does seem pretty heroic nonetheless from what I have read on it.

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I haven't seen the movie, but the Battle of Thermopylae had more than 300 Spartans, with their allies they were close to 4000 soldiers. I am guessing the movie overlooks that...

They did include some allied troops in the movie.

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Actually it was 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians covering the retreat of the main Greek army after a tratior showed the Persian horde another pass. The 1,000 man rear guard managed to inflict such heavy losses on the Persians by the time they fought Athen's army it was a virtually unwinable battle.

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