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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Torspo Hockey & Kor Hockey

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I noticed recently that http://torspo.com/ is back up... although the site is not entirely complete. JR pointed out to me that i should compare

http://torspo.com/skates.html to Kor skates http://www.korhockey.com/

does anyone know if the Torspo sticks will be made/are still made in Murami, Finland? or in some other Finnish city? I kinda miss that "Handmade in Murami, Finland" stamping on the old Torspo Mats Naslund era duraglass sticks.

(TPS Turku era Keskinen, Helminen, Javanainen Line Torspo Products)

Anyone have any information on U.S. availability of these products?


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The Torspo skates will most likely not be available in north america for reasons that I promised not to discuss a few months ago. I'm sure some of you can figure out what this means. I'm not going to confirm anything without permission and I'm not going to call over the weekend to get permission.

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i could see ovey getting those holders . then brodure will start complaining about how the chromed holders give ovey an unfair advantage because of the reflection comming off the holders. then he will force the NHL to ban ovey from using them.

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I've got a couple that a friend got for me when he was working for Arne Roos Sports AB in Sweden in the early/mid '90s. I've decided to "retire them" so that they don't break down... keep them as a souveneirs... all that...

the helmets had a definite european look to them much like the old jofa 282's.

I don't think they make them anymore... I check Ebay here and there to try to find a blue one (i've got black and white)...

I am trying to find the "legendary... can retire off of..."(yes...) torspo catalog that hasn't been cut up for the pictures... the catalog featuring the TPS Black Trio line of keskinen, javanainenen, and Helminen

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Wow! The skates look very funky! Has anyone on the board skated on a pair? I'm curious to read what the performance is like.

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Might be just me, but the first thing I think when I look at those skates is One90.... looks like the exact same boot cut and tendon guard

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My first thought when i saw the skates was MISSION S series.. The Surge 100 looked damn nice.

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So.... are you saying that they are better than Kor's, or just more cosmetically pleasing?

Also, I think I read somewhere that these will not be coming to the States, right?

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The products look fantastic and have pretty top notch specs.. Just a couple observations

- For those holders to resist the heat of Powder Coating they have to be pretty damn strong. Typically any kind of plastic substance can not be powder coated...

- I like the microfiber idea... But I'm curious as to how much microfiber/where. From my experience microfiber absorbs water extremely well, last thing you want is skates getting water logged from hard stops etc... There are ways to make it less absorbent to almost non-absorbent.

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The Torspo skates will most likely not be available in north america for reasons that I promised not to discuss a few months ago. I'm sure some of you can figure out what this means. I'm not going to confirm anything without permission and I'm not going to call over the weekend to get permission.

Would you mind telling me why? They do seem to have an office in Anoka, MN judging from the website.

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The Torspo skates will most likely not be available in north america for reasons that I promised not to discuss a few months ago. I'm sure some of you can figure out what this means. I'm not going to confirm anything without permission and I'm not going to call over the weekend to get permission.

Would you mind telling me why? They do seem to have an office in Anoka, MN judging from the website.

I know I've seen those skates somewhere else:).

I think Torspo and Kor are not playing nicely with each other. The Torspo Anoka MN office may be simply "administrative" in nature.

Also, Kor may be a little distracted with this.

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