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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Luxury Edition Eastons

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Hockey is a team game, not ground for individual expression. That's what half-pipe, skateboarding and figure skating are for.

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you guys are all to funny... I got to tell you all.... This is the problem with the hockey industry... every one has a fear that wearing something different is a bad thing. Who cares what other people think!!!! Being different is what's cool...

example... why do you think they did Nike ID? so everyone could have the same shoe?/ stick?

I disagree, have you ever seen ovechkin in street clothes, he wears some ugly ass clothes, not at all cool, but gets a pass because he has skills.

He wears the mirror visor, he gets away with it because he has skills (until brodeur complained)

Those gloves are ugly, and to me, if I see someone wearing them, I think, "what a muppet" not "ohhhh, thats different, therefore cool"

LOLO.... so your telling me that because you have a $190 stick you should be able to have a 100MPH slap shot? or having your name on your gloves is Pre modona?

who beat you up on the playground...when you where a kid?

No need to get pissed - I respect you for the fact that you took the chance to order them for your store (God knows I wouldn't) but don't get pissed if customers don't like it.

Ah, is wondernzo an EWH employee

Well that would make sense.

Jason, but with attitude?

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If someone wearing a certain piece of equipment bothers you you need to reexamine your priorities. Maybe concentrate on winning the game or becoming a better player. Most people don't care what you think about their equipment.

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repetitive logo isn't on their more expensive items... higher in their lines you often find no outside markings or logos... .the people who can afford them regularly... don't give a shit if you know that there stuff that looks really plain is really massively expensive...

You know a lot about handbags...I'm gonna take a guess and say you either have a girlfriend with very expensive taste...or you carry a man purse :lol:

Unfortunately have been cursed by knowing anything about them at all. Have dated and had to buy for - you are in trouble when they want the higher line stuff that's non-logo-ed (Yeah it's complete a waste of $ - I'd understand if they wanted a Vapor XXX-Lite stick or NBH One90s or Xbox360...).

Yes (unfortunately) I have expensive taste overall. No man's purse - too lazy to carry it, and I flat out think they look super queer.

Those gloves are ugly, and to me, if I see someone wearing them, I think, "what a muppet" not "ohhhh, thats different, therefore cool"

awesome - crushing people's shitty taste is awesome... that "it's fine to be different" or "to each his own..." is SO Politically correct / Bill-Clinton you get a gold star or trophy even if you're in last place so that we don't hurt your kids self-esteem touchy-feely liberal bull-shit / let's not hurt people's feelings crap.

you guys are all to funny... I got to tell you all.... This is the problem with the hockey industry... every one has a fear that wearing something different is a bad thing. Who cares what other people think!!!! Being different is what's cool...

example... why do you think they did Nike ID? so everyone could have the same shoe?/ stick?

why do you think Ovechkin wore a aro/ visor for the all-star game?

Being different can be cool. It doesn't mean wearing/buying/ordering ugly ass shit because it's different makes it cool. That's faulty logic. In this case it just means that you and the people that ordered or designed those ugly ass gloves have bad taste, and don't know what cool looks like.

another related proposition (also faulty logic) is thinking that Ovechkin or any other person who does one area of skill better than you (hockey skill) makes something that sucks ass cool. (that's pretty much what marketing/endorsements hope to get away with but...) Just because someone can play hockey massively well doesn't mean that he can't be defective otherwise.

If someone wearing a certain piece of equipment bothers you you need to reexamine your priorities. Maybe concentrate on winning the game or becoming a better player. Most people don't care what you think about their equipment.

wrong. i don't know if you are coming from the "to each his own" liberal play nice together side or the Why does what someone what someone else doing something bother you school... but either way.... crushing people's taste starts from when kids get crushed in school for not wearing things other people think is cool... and continues 'til we die. All part of being part of society. It's awesome... some people do things that is different that people think is cool. Other people do things that are different and end up becoming like that Korean kid who snapped at VA tech (what he did is a tragedy but he was riduculed growing up - oh well..) Maybe people are just criticizing the Easton glove for pure pleasure which is fine, even if people did it only to make the guy who designed them feel bad - that's great too.

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repetitive logo isn't on their more expensive items... higher in their lines you often find no outside markings or logos... .the people who can afford them regularly... don't give a shit if you know that there stuff that looks really plain is really massively expensive...

You know a lot about handbags...I'm gonna take a guess and say you either have a girlfriend with very expensive taste...or you carry a man purse :lol:

Unfortunately have been cursed by knowing anything about them at all. Have dated and had to buy for - you are in trouble when they want the higher line stuff that's non-logo-ed (Yeah it's complete a waste of $ - I'd understand if they wanted a Vapor XXX-Lite stick or NBH One90s or Xbox360...).

Yes (unfortunately) I have expensive taste overall. No man's purse - too lazy to carry it, and I flat out think they look super queer.

Those gloves are ugly, and to me, if I see someone wearing them, I think, "what a muppet" not "ohhhh, thats different, therefore cool"

awesome - crushing people's shitty taste is awesome... that "it's fine to be different" or "to each his own..." is SO Politically correct / Bill-Clinton you get a gold star or trophy even if you're in last place so that we don't hurt your kids self-esteem touchy-feely liberal bull-shit / let's not hurt people's feelings crap.

you guys are all to funny... I got to tell you all.... This is the problem with the hockey industry... every one has a fear that wearing something different is a bad thing. Who cares what other people think!!!! Being different is what's cool...

example... why do you think they did Nike ID? so everyone could have the same shoe?/ stick?

why do you think Ovechkin wore a aro/ visor for the all-star game?

Being different can be cool. It doesn't mean wearing/buying/ordering ugly ass shit because it's different makes it cool. That's faulty logic. In this case it just means that you and the people that ordered or designed those ugly ass gloves have bad taste, and don't know what cool looks like.

another related proposition (also faulty logic) is thinking that Ovechkin or any other person who does one area of skill better than you (hockey skill) makes something that sucks ass cool. (that's pretty much what marketing/endorsements hope to get away with but...) Just because someone can play hockey massively well doesn't mean that he can't be defective otherwise.

If someone wearing a certain piece of equipment bothers you you need to reexamine your priorities. Maybe concentrate on winning the game or becoming a better player. Most people don't care what you think about their equipment.

wrong. i don't know if you are coming from the "to each his own" liberal play nice together side or the Why does what someone what someone else doing something bother you school... but either way.... crushing people's taste starts from when kids get crushed in school for not wearing things other people think is cool... and continues 'til we die. All part of being part of society. It's awesome... some people do things that is different that people think is cool. Other people do things that are different and end up becoming like that Korean kid who snapped at VA tech (what he did is a tragedy but he was riduculed growing up - oh well..) Maybe people are just criticizing the Easton glove for pure pleasure which is fine, even if people did it only to make the guy who designed them feel bad - that's great too.

Kids do it, but they eventually grow up. Well, at least most do. Sounds like you might have missed that boat. I hate to burst your bubble cause it sounds like you get off on putting people down but nobody cares how you feel about their equipment.

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Come on, boys. Wheres the problem? If those gloves were bubble gum pink, then it would be kinda logical if someone would get some trashtalk or beatings, but those Easton gloves are very homely, so i dont know why there is such a big discussion.

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Yeah I really dont get it, look like normal gloves to me. Oh no! There are some logos on gloves!? Why is everybody so afraid of other people not liking their shit? What, you think because your teammates dont like your gloves they wont blow you? Grow up.

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