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Batman: The Dark Knight

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It's kind of what I wrote above: What would a world with people willing to dress up and hang out on rooftops really be like?

Think about that. You have the ability to do something, let's say run 10x faster than anyone else, and you are convinced the world has become too crime ridden. At first, you tackle a few muggers, but then you decide you need to protect those close to you, so you think up a costume and come up with a name. Then you start to hang out in the seedier parts of town, mostly at night because you'll blend in better. Maybe you even work on a costume for winter weather.

Well, The Watchmen was a very serious look at what's the pathology of someone who would do that. In flashbacks, we see a sort of annual convention of the original superheroes, where they are shooting the breeze and drinking alchohol and one particularly fascist-like hero becomes bullyish and belligerent. The writer, Alan Moore, tried to come up with a realistic portrayal of costumed vigilantes. Ultimately, the government outlawed costumed vigilantes around the late 60's, amid concerns of the citizens and graffitti saying, "Who Watches The Watchmen?"

That's the set up for the 12-issue series, but it's set in 1980 when a couple of The Watchmen have been killed. At that point, the more conspiracy-theorist of the group tries contacting other former members. They think he's delusional, but as more ex-heroes are murdered and the world is suddenly hurling toward a nuclear war, they have to solve the mystery.

That's about as much as I can say without giving too much away, but the bottom line is the story really is more about what would someone who's willing to dress up and sit on a gargoyle for hours on end really be like -- and what would that world be like?

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The Hulk preview

The CGI looks a bit off on the characters, but the story line seems okay.

looks like it was shot in toronto..

It was. I knew a guy who could have been a military extra but backed out because they wanted him to cut his hair.

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The Hulk preview

The CGI looks a bit off on the characters, but the story line seems okay.

looks like it was shot in toronto..

I thinking Hamilton was used as well? I seem to recall part of downtown be shut down last Summer/Fall for shooting of a big action movie.

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Since this is unofficially the "nerd movie" thread, here are GI Joe pics: Clicky-poo

Absolutely brutal costumes since they're ripping off Batman and X-Men. Worse than that is how they put "GI Joe" into the camo pattern. I would launder Scarlett and Cover Girl's unis with my mouth.

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Yes, it's not very ninja of him. I'm still holding out for Destro, CC and Zartan pics but as it stands the story better be awesome.

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I'm assuming that's "Storm Shadow" in the gay Andrew Dice Clay get up? ugh...

Maybe that is "formal" wear, and he's gotta better battle attire.

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I wonder if they are going to shoot blue and red lasers so you can tell who's firing at who. Wouldn't be the same without it.

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I'm assuming that's "Storm Shadow" in the gay Andrew Dice Clay get up? ugh...

Maybe that is "formal" wear, and he's gotta better battle attire.

Sneakers are formal?

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May 2nd. It may be the Matrix to Dark Knight's Episode I in the sense it'll be an unexpected hit. Granted it's built as a blockbuster but it looks really good.

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Back to some good news: Dark Knight trailer is supposed to be attached to Iron Man.

I thought I saw the trailer for it at Vantage Point. Different one possibly?

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You may have seen the teaser trailer that was released with I Am Legend. The IMAX "trailer" was awesome though as it's the first five minutes or so of the movie, showing off how f'd and evil this Joker is.

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You may have seen the teaser trailer that was released with I Am Legend. The IMAX "trailer" was awesome though as it's the first five minutes or so of the movie, showing off how f'd and evil this Joker is.

I thought it was really well done and kept to the true batman feeling. I would even say that I think it will hold stronger to the comic than the first batman movie.

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I don't think it's holding true to the comic per se as it is a specific graphic novel. Supposedly when Ledger signed on, he was given The Killing Joke and a copy of Clockwork Orange as his study material.

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I don't think it's holding true to the comic per se as it is a specific graphic novel. Supposedly when Ledger signed on, he was given The Killing Joke and a copy of Clockwork Orange as his study material.
But does he go to the milk bar and occasionally do the "ol' in, out"?

Great study material if you want unadulterated violence.

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