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Batman: The Dark Knight

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Not sure what they'll do with it, but I can't see them teasing us with him for another movie because there's one more in the contract and it's for a team-up/collaboration.

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I've heard that he gets turned into Two-Face in this movie, but he doesn't actually do anything as Two Face; he just becomes him to set up the third movie.

Think we'll ever see the Riddler in this movie? He's as classic a batman villian as anyone else, but I don't think he'd fit with the feel of these movies, unless they did a bit of an overhaul of the character. If they did, they could probably make it fairly interesting

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The Riddler was the main character back in the Batman movie with Tommy Lee Jones remember?

Yeah but they restarted the whole franchise over with Batman Begins so in Nolan's world, the Burton and Schumacher movies don't exist.

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Which was an awesome idea.

Batman was always the grown up comic. It was based more on story than flashy super heroes.

The original Batman did a great job of holding true and I will even give some credit to batman returns because it held on to a LITTLE of that. Every batman movie after that (besides Batman Begins) stripped away what makes the Batman series what it was in the first place and tried to make it more bright superhero-friendly.. ala spiderman and superman.

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With the tone of this movie, I'd much rather see this franchise's version of Bane rather than what they could do with the Riddler. The Riddler's a decent enough villain but you can't really make him a "dark" character to fit this series.

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I think they could do it. They may have to tone him down a little bit but after batman begins and how they portrayed Ra's Al Ghul, I have faith that they can pull the Riddler off and still have the dark tone.

I would like to see them pull Catwoman out of the shithole that she got dumped in after the Halle Berry movie.

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I think without a doubt we'll eventually see Catwoman... they might be waiting a little bit for the memory of Halle Berry Catwoman to die down. I think we'll see the best Catwoman since the comics in this series.

As for the Riddler, with a bit of work, the character could be great as well. No bright green suit with "?" all over it to start with. You could easily have him be someone who broke/was broken out of Arkham and is totally nuts and talks in jibberish/riddles, who goes on to cause the Bat all sorts of havoc.

I would like to see Bane more as well, but without his own changes he probably couldn't hold down the evil mastermind villian in a movie

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I forget his name but there's a serial killer in the comics who basically slashes people indiscriminately. I think his name begins with a 'Z', something like Zzaxx.

That could make for a great Dark Detective story.

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I don't see any Catwoman or Robin joining this as it's pretty much cemented that it's only Batman till he does the ensemble cast movie. Catwoman would be lame because even with Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman it just came off too cheesy.

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I can't see them making a dark version of robin, maybe with darker green tights but thats about as far as you can go with him.

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Again, there won't be a Robin. This Batman is too young to have that queerbait running around on screen.

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When I said Catwoman, I didn't mean she'd be a 'hero'. Remember, originally Catwoman was a villian. Start her off as that. Maybe she turns good, maybe in between, but not until later. Regardless, I wouldn't want to see her in it for quite a few films... there are far better villians to have in the movies now that will fit perfect

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Yeah sorry about that, I realized it after I submitted it... my computer here at work just slowed down to really slow speeds, I had been trying to edit my post for the last 15min

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With the tone of this movie, I'd much rather see this franchise's version of Bane rather than what they could do with the Riddler. The Riddler's a decent enough villain but you can't really make him a "dark" character to fit this series.

I'm wondering if they could do almost like a "Saw" version of the Riddler? More dangerous and heartless, but still clever.

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That's something I would definitely like to see so maybe they'll keep that in mind. I think with the assumed darkness they're going to have with the Joker, they'll wait to see how that pans out. Either that or they'll blow their disturbing/psychotic wad with him and get something else for the latter movie(s).

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