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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

The prison knife incident

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Dammit, am I the only one that get's completely thrown off when JR, Mack or Chadd change their avatars? haha

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Dammit, am I the only one that get's completely thrown off when JR, Mack or Chadd change their avatars? haha

I recognize people by their avatars, not their names, so I have to do a double take when they change their avatars.

Someone please put a picture of Frylock with the knife...

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No, next Halloween will be Mr. T. I'll grow out my hair for a month then shave it into a mohawk.

That'll be bad-ass! Think of the intimidation sales you'll pull off in November...

"Fool...you want these skates..."

"I pity the fool, who's doesn't skate on Fuel's" <----that's your current skate of choice isn't it?

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oh man, I can't wait to see the Mr. T get-up...

almost as good as my brother dressing up as Apollo Creed, and running around yelling "I WANT YOU!" and "Creed in Three!!!"

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Oh god please don't ever quote them again or mention them by name.

Believe me, I didn't want to do it, but I felt obligated to say something else and that was the first applicable quote that came to mind.

I feel shame.

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The new store boys made me proud. They are working on their own version. I damn near cried, I was so proud. I'll be consulting but letting them do the work - they have a right to be creative.

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anyone ever see that show ghost hunters?

well...here's my contribution... and i think that guy sports a 'circle beard' now as well...

My hard-ass prison pose



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