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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How many times a week do you play ice?

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Hi guys,

I just wanted to see how often do you play/practice ice a week and how long.

I can only go once a week ice and 2 times roller for off ice practice. Is this sufficient in order to make progress on ice?


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I try to go 5 days a week for stick and puck and shinny. It helps that I work in the arena.

Even if you practice once a week its still progress. Any practice=progress.

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This summer I'd say probably 3-4 times a week on ice, once a week on roller.

This season I'll be practicing 3 days a week and playing on friday, saturday, and sunday.

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from september to march I play 7-8 times a week ice, then its inline 3 times a week until mid june, then its done until september again.

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From september to april: practise about 4 times a week ice, then 1-2 two games on fri+sun.

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I play 5-6 times a week of ice and roller. Ice practice on Monday afternoon and Saturday morning, pickup Saturday night and games on Sunday or Sunday evening. Roller hockey practice Friday afternoon and a game the same night.

Tuesday - Thursday I usually workout, do dryland stuff or play street hockey with my neighbors and friends.

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Progress, as in progression toward Pro hockey? No, 1 session of ice time a week is too little. You probably need at least 4 practice sesssions per week, and 2 games.

However, all is not lost. There are things you can do at home. You can do a lot of aerobics to keep in shape, so that you can skate your best when you do get some ice time. The roller hockey helps too, although the continual transistion back and forth might be a problem. Weight lifting, expecially to develop you weaker muscles and core help a lot. Stickhandling a ball, even for only 10 minutes a day, will help. Also, shooting pucks is important.

Probably the biggest things you are missing is puck passing, defending/gap control, and play-making, which you really need to get on the ice with competent partners.

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I play pickup once a week, and try to hit stick & puck twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I have a few other pickup hours, that I don't fully commit to, but I pop in from time to time.

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as much as possible. Some Ice arenas like to close for the summer. Then the ones that do have it and the arenas are ground level you get shitty soft ice. The only good Arenas in Metro Detroit are Compuware and Novi ice arena. At least for my opinion.

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In season anywhere from 4-8 times a week. Depends on if we have games that weekend (which may or may not include morning skate), and mens league schedule, plus 2 practices.


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2 mens league games a week, stick and puck/scrimmage monday-friday. Open skates and dropins on the weekends. around 11 ice times at the most in a week. I need a life...

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I play twice a week. 1 beer league game and 1 pick-up each week. I wish I had time to play more. When I was in high school I would play 4 times a week. I really miss that...

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