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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Soft drink alternative

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Bought a Vitmain Water to try tonight since we have many drinkers of it on here....

I think it does taste pretty good but the Sugar in one bottle is 32.5 grams for 20 oz of fluid. (for comparison a can of Pepsi has 41 grams)

Too much sugar in one drink for me....

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I've never tried the Arnold Palmer Arizona Iced Tea, but I love the Arizona Diet Iced Green Tea. And like mentioned, they got for 99 cents at most stores around here.

I've been trying just about every type of diet, or sugar free teas, juices, and flavored waters... even check out some store brands, I tried a flavored water from a Walgreens (I'll get the exact name when I grab more) and it was great, not too heavy on the fruit. Turkey Hill also makes some really tasty iced tea, I've had mandarin, and mango flavored.

Like someone else mentioned, check out those little pouches you can add to bottled water... that way if it's too much flavor, you can manipulate it to your liking. I believe it's 4C, they make some good ones.

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yep AriZona is a good alternative,it goes for 99 cents around here and is deff. worth every cent of it, i like the hlf ice tea half lemonade but my favorite is the honey green tea

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If your reasons for kicking the pop habit are health related, you should be aware that many of the alternatives mentioned have just as many of the additives that are implicated in health issues as pop.

A recent big one is sodium benzoate, according to recent studies it may have impact on your body's DNA. And as an example, the Diet Lipton Green tea mentioned in this thread contains potassium benzoate, which is the potassium salt of benzoic acid, which (if I understand correctly) is the form sodium benzoate takes in an acidic mixture.

Of course that didn't keep me from enjoying my own bottle of Lipton this morning, but I just wanted to point out that many of these so called healthy alternatives are just a new style of pop.

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I used to drink a lot of Green Tea, especially when I was sleepy at work, because my body would forget it needed rest, but whenever I drank it after 5 or 6 in the afternoon I wouldn't be able to sleep.

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green tea has barely any caffeine content, so if your sleep is interupted, it is either something else or in your head.

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Is Pop that bad for you though besides the Sugar? I mean I was looking at the ingredients, and there really was nothing in it that I would really worry about.

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  nni said:

green tea has barely any caffeine content, so if your sleep is interupted, it is either something else or in your head.

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I'll have to check what else was in it. There must have been some kind of accelerant though. It's not 'all natural' green tea, it's industrialized stuff.

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whatever you do dont drink BAWLS, ive had it twice and it tastes good, but it even has a warning on the bottle that it has extremely high caffeine content, and it could kill you

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IMO stay away from the artificial/manufactured sugars as much as you can. That is High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, Crystalline Fructose, Aspartame and the like.

It takes a little extra work to avoid these things in food and drink, but IMO it's a good idea. I am no dietitian or really much of a health nut, but from what i have read about these various cheap artificial sweeteners the worse they all sound.

Sucrose is from sugar cane and beets, but is refined to white sugar witch is devoid of anything nutritional.

Sure there is high sugar content in fruit juice, but at least they are naturally occurring sugars that are easily processed by the body and usually have other nutritional benefits.(vitamins, minerals,etc)Not empty calories cooked up in a lab with little thought to the long-term health impact.

You can always mix REAL fruit juice into water or carbonated water, drink some lower caffeine tea (i saw lower since caffeine dehydrates), milk (rBGH free if you can) or even though it's boring plain old water is a good idea too.

Processed sweeteners are ultra cheap and in most any processed food/drink/condiment/frozen food etc. All are FDA approved, but if you read up on it, that means very little if the Co. is big enough with money going to the right people.

If you're interested, google a sweetener name, or healthy sugars and read up about it.

Healthy sugars

Suspect Sweeteners

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^--- excellent post by number21..I couldnt agree more with what he said.

Not all sweeteners are created equally at all. Some of those like Aspartame are toxic in high doses.

Remember, the biggest problem with soda is that there are no benefits to drinking it at all - no vitamins, no minerals, and a bunch of unnatural crap.

watered down juice is ok.. some real iced tea with cane sugar if you need some sweetener (not arizona or snapple, its worse than soda).

or just suck it up and get used to drinking lots of water. ;)

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I got interested in this when I heard reviews of the book Omnivore's Dilemma.

It's full of info mostly pertaining to the growing/manufacturing of corn..

You have to be interested in the topic to read this, otherwise, it would be like reading a text book. If you do have any interest in the topic, I highly recommend this book.

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I pretty much kicked the soda habit about a year ago and I'm glad I did. I find myself drinking a lot of Propel. I've also been drinking a lot of iced tea.

I'm not sure if you're near a Teavana store, but that's something worth looking into. They're like the Baskin Robbins of tea. Depending on what you get, the teas have certain health benefits.

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I went on a small vacation and *tried* to avoid softdrinks but ended up buying a 6 pack of Henry W. orange cream soda. I DID try some different vitamin water and I really like the sobe kind. I tried 3 different flavors but the orange tangerene was my favorite. I also had the Vitamin Water brand and it was good too but I was fond of the sobe brand stuff.

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  Neal said:

If your reasons for kicking the pop habit are health related, you should be aware that many of the alternatives mentioned have just as many of the additives that are implicated in health issues as pop.

A recent big one is sodium benzoate, according to recent studies it may have impact on your body's DNA. And as an example, the Diet Lipton Green tea mentioned in this thread contains potassium benzoate, which is the potassium salt of benzoic acid, which (if I understand correctly) is the form sodium benzoate takes in an acidic mixture.

Of course that didn't keep me from enjoying my own bottle of Lipton this morning, but I just wanted to point out that many of these so called healthy alternatives are just a new style of pop.

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I found an article about this here.

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Coke apparently has the rights to a new sweetner that will be out in the marketplace within the next 12-18 months

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well they've been known to use different than the norm sweetners/energy boosters, such as cocaine and the like. :P

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  Neal said:

If your reasons for kicking the pop habit are health related, you should be aware that many of the alternatives mentioned have just as many of the additives that are implicated in health issues as pop.

A recent big one is sodium benzoate, according to recent studies it may have impact on your body's DNA. And as an example, the Diet Lipton Green tea mentioned in this thread contains potassium benzoate, which is the potassium salt of benzoic acid, which (if I understand correctly) is the form sodium benzoate takes in an acidic mixture.

Of course that didn't keep me from enjoying my own bottle of Lipton this morning, but I just wanted to point out that many of these so called healthy alternatives are just a new style of pop.

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Even fruit juices contain high levels of calories, if you're worried about that. A glass of orange juice has the same sugar content as something like 8 oranges! Would you be able to eat 8 oranges? No way because of the fiber in there and stuff.

Vitamin water has amazing marketing to have everyone believing that it's good stuff. I mean it's definitely better than soda but it's not healthy like everyone wants to believe.

My suggestions? Tea and water. If you really don't want to drink soda it shouldn't be that hard to just stop drinking it.

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  hockechamp14 said:

If you really don't want to drink soda it shouldn't be that hard to just stop drinking it.

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Addictions are hard to give up and Caffeine is just as addictive as a lot of things that are illegal.

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