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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic Pro Stock

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When the Stealth first came out, I got one of Sakic's Pro stock ones with his curve, signed and all.

It has Z-tac as well (even though it is a Stealth, not Synergy). By the way, georgous curve on his sticks, I wish he was right-handed.

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nah, just a rough texture

A LHS near me gets a lot of Prostock Easton sticks and they all have a rough texture at on the blade. They dont have that crazy color/shine to them but they all DO have that texture. Does this make the tape stick better to the stick?

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Something just came to my mind:

I went to a hockeystore and looked around. There was a corner with broken sticks and i asked an employee what this would be about and he said this is where the broken sticks from the pro team are until someone from the distributor (a rep or some guy) comes along, picks them up to get replacements..

I checked them out and there was an OPS which had this Z-Tac stuff all over the stick... from shaft to blade. It felt kinda nice.

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I have one Ultra-Lite blade and it has some rough surface too, is it Z-Tac also?

If it was the Ultra Lite blade that had the same colour scheme as the old Ultra Lite shafts, yes. That was around '99 or so when they had that blade and one blade that had the Z-Bubble scheme - both with Z-Tac.

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I have one Ultra-Lite blade and it has some rough surface too, is it Z-Tac also?

If it was the Ultra Lite blade that had the same colour scheme as the old Ultra Lite shafts, yes. That was around '99 or so when they had that blade and one blade that had the Z-Bubble scheme - both with Z-Tac.

The stuff on the UL blades would peel off the first time you replaced the tape though. The pro coatings don't come off that easily.

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nah, just a rough texture

A LHS near me gets a lot of Prostock Easton sticks and they all have a rough texture at on the blade. They dont have that crazy color/shine to them but they all DO have that texture. Does this make the tape stick better to the stick?

What pro shop is that? BTM?

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I believe I've seen multiple videos of pros painting and then blow-torching their blades to acheive a similar effect.

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painting is to hide the puck and the blow torch is to dry the paint

Not always true. Most do it because of the distracting colors of the sticks or just because they always have.

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I have one Ultra-Lite blade and it has some rough surface too, is it Z-Tac also?

If it was the Ultra Lite blade that had the same colour scheme as the old Ultra Lite shafts, yes. That was around '99 or so when they had that blade and one blade that had the Z-Bubble scheme - both with Z-Tac.

The stuff on the UL blades would peel off the first time you replaced the tape though. The pro coatings don't come off that easily.

I don't beleive so, i think i have a 04 UL blade, if im correct, i used it quite a lot, but it still has that coating on. But i never tried it without a tape on, you think it would be better then?

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I was just watching a video of Sakic and it looks like he uses a high lie on his sticks (6-7 lie) also I'm curious to what his curve looks like, anybody have an idea?

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I have some old pro stock T flex blades of his and would describe his pattern ( at least from 1999 ish ? ) as pretty close to a TPS Nash, maybe a little less loft.

Just out of interest, anybody have an idea on the flex he uses now ?

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The old T-Flex blades i'd seen of his were about as straight as possible. Not even a hint of loft on it and they were fat little oars.

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