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The Flat Earth Society

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I thought it was a joke but these people are for reals. Would the Christians that don't believe in evolutionism laugh at these people? They're both sort of disputing science. sorry I don't mean to offend any religious people around here. What's your take?

The serious fundamentalists who believe that the Earth was created in six days are just as mental.

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Chadd are you a Richard Dawkins fan?

Not familiar with his stuff, but after a brief glance at the website I plan to look into it a bit more.

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I think its painful to read. I just dont understand how people can think this when we have pictures of the planet, people have seen it from space, GPS, Gravity, etc.

The earth is round.

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I've met some FES members in London, while there are people that really believe it for a fair number of them belonging is just a lark.

Since the origins of this planet cannot be demonstrated declaring anything related to that topic established science is equally silly and requires the same dogmatic approach that some people would mock fundamentalist evangelical protestant Christians for taking. It wasn't very long ago that science had "proven" that rodents were generated from leaving a sweat soaked shirt in a box or that European people were superior to others. These are subjects humans don't understand and may never understand. A guess isn't any less of a guess because you call it a theory instead.

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"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion"

- Richard Dawkins

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I spent about an hour reading that forum. Got some laughs, but I mean its just like Area 51, Aliens, Ghosts....etc.

I guess they have pulled alot of B.S. out of their ass and called it 'reasons', but thats what people have done about stuff like UFO's.

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I thought it was a joke but these people are for reals. Would the Christians that don't believe in evolutionism laugh at these people? They're both sort of disputing science. sorry I don't mean to offend any religious people around here. What's your take?

The serious fundamentalists who believe that the Earth was created in six days are just as mental.

No kidding, man. If you had a perfect, omnipotent being -- one who really wouldn't need to create a petri dish for study -- wouldn't he just snap his fingers and.....voila?

Regarding whether the earth is flat, we drove to Mount Rushmore over the weekend. As we were driving through Wyoming, it struck me that we think of the Plains as being flat, but one can clearly see the land crests. In other words, it is visibly apparent that one would have to grade to create a playing field that doesn't slant in one direction.

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I've met some FES members in London, while there are people that really believe it for a fair number of them belonging is just a lark.

Since the origins of this planet cannot be demonstrated declaring anything related to that topic established science is equally silly and requires the same dogmatic approach that some people would mock fundamentalist evangelical protestant Christians for taking. It wasn't very long ago that science had "proven" that rodents were generated from leaving a sweat soaked shirt in a box or that European people were superior to others. These are subjects humans don't understand and may never understand. A guess isn't any less of a guess because you call it a theory instead.

When empirical evidence contradicts an established scientific theory, people abandon the old theory and adopt a new theory supported by all relevant data. The same is not true regarding religion.

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"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion"

- Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins is a huckster, the Jerry Falwell of Atheism. He says whatever radical thing he can think of to generate attention and hawk books laughing at the people that buy his crap all the way to the bank.

When empirical evidence contradicts an established scientific theory, people abandon the old theory and adopt a new theory supported by all relevant data. The same is not true regarding religion.

Sorry, but that's simply a lie. There are many theories surrounding various issues related to evolution, some older than others. Different scientists have different takes on the "emirical evidence" and argue accordingly. It's not unlike the global warming debate or any other. These matters aren't science because they extend beyond the scientific method (which is by no means perfect), it's theory. No religion doesn't change, those beliefs are a oonstant. But if religion is bad when we look on some of history's most lovely atheist figures like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, it's pretty clear atheism is a hell of a lot worse.

No kidding, man. If you had a perfect, omnipotent being -- one who really wouldn't need to create a petri dish for study -- wouldn't he just snap his fingers and.....voila?

That's about as daft as saying that because a sculptor takes a raw peice of rock and slowly works it into a masterpeice he must be a bad sculptor.

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And because of members like you, intelligent discussion of topics like this isn't possible. Rather than document all of the inaccuracies in your post, mostly because those efforts on my part would be wasted, I'm just going lock this up.

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